vrijdag 18 februari 2011

50 Books Challenge - # 9: Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

Title: Never Let Me Go
Author: Kazuo Ishiguro
Story: As a child, Kathy — now thirty-one years old — lived at Hailsham, a private school in the scenic English countryside where the children were sheltered from the outside world, brought up to believe that they were special and that their well-being was crucial not only for themselves but for the society they would eventually enter. Kathy had long ago put this idyllic past behind her, but when two of her Hailsham friends come back into her life, she stops resisting the pull of memory.
And so, as her friendship with Ruth is rekindled, and as the feelings that long ago fueled her adolescent crush on Tommy begin to deepen into love, Kathy recalls their years at Hailsham. She describes happy scenes of boys and girls growing up together, unperturbed--even comforted--by their isolation. But she describes other scenes as well: of discord and misunderstanding that hint at a dark secret behind Hailsham's nurturing facade. With the dawning clarity of hindsight, the three friends are compelled to face the truth about their childhood—and about their lives now.
Start: february 11th 2011
End: february 18th 2011
Comment: I was so excited to read the book, because it sounded interesting and original. I was in fact a little bit disappointed. It was very slow and it took me a while to get into it. Some parts were even kinda dull. I did like how Ishiguro described his characters and how he focussed on them and I liked the concept of the novel. I think this book could use some more emotions, dialogues and climactic happenings. The book wasn't all that surprising either and the author kept repeating himself several times. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate it, because it was quite interesting. I just wasn't as enthusiastic about it as everyone else is. I can understand why people love it so much, but it just wasn't my type of book. Maybe if I give it another try in a couple of years.
Rating: 2,5/ 5

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