woensdag 20 juli 2011

Best of... Abigail Breslin

Since Haley Joel Osment, there wasn't a single child star that impressed me more then this one: Abigail Breslin. She is so good at what she does and I only hope that she has an even more succesful career as an adult. Here are her best films.

Her first movie and a very exciting one. Stories about aliƫns coming to earth have been overdone, but this one was different. It had more suspence to it and it wasn't clear what they wanted in the first place.

"Raising Helen"
I liked this movie the most because of Joan Cusack and Abigail Breslin. It's not a very memorable film, but sure worth watching and just a nice feel-good movie for when you're feeling down.

"Little Miss Sunshine"
I can go on and on about this one. There are so many reasons I love this movie and especially Olive, played by Abigail. She created one of my all-time favorite movie characters. She is above adorable!

"Definitely, Maybe"
Abigail plays this curious girl who wants to know how her mom and dad met. Ryan Reynolds plays the dad and they are a fantastic duo. I love the scene where Maya, that's Abigail, asks her father what a threesome is. With him responding: 'That's a game grown-ups play'. Very funny.

"Nim's Island"
I recently saw this movie and liked, liked, liked it. I love those childrens stories with a bunch of imagination. And I love a strong child character. Jodie Foster is in it too, as well as Gerard Butler. Foster plays this writer who has agoraphobia, which is kind of hilarious. Butler plays Breslin's dad (again a hot dad).

"My Sister's Keeper"
A read the book and it's such a touching and heartbreaking story. Very well done, with Breslin again being the star of the movie.

One word: AWESOME! Oh no, FREAKIN' AWESOME. Great humour, perfect casting and then Bill Murray as a zombie, brilliant.

She also did a voice in "Rango" which I haven't seen yet. And I also didn't see "Kit Kittredge: An American Girl". Even if her career stops as a child, I will not forget about these great films she made. But I think Abigail has bright future ahead of her.

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