maandag 8 augustus 2011

50 Books Challenge 2011 - # 43: Juliet, Naked by Nick Hornby

Title: Juliet, Naked
Author: Nick Hornby
Story: Annie loves Duncan — or thinks she does. Duncan loves Annie, but then, all of a sudden, he doesn't. Duncan really loves Tucker Crowe, a reclusive Dylanish singer-songwriter who stopped making music ten years ago. Annie stops loving Duncan, and starts getting her own life. In doing so, she initiates an e-mail correspondence with Tucker, and a connection is forged between two lonely people who are looking for more out of what they've got. Tucker's been languishing (and he's unnervingly aware of it), living in rural Pennsylvania with what he sees as his one hope for redemption amid a life of emotional and artistic ruin-his young son, Jackson. But then there's also the new material he's about to release to the world: an acoustic, stripped-down version of his greatest album, Juliet — entitled, Juliet, Naked.
Start: august 4th 2011
End: august 8th 2011
Comment: Duncan and Annie's relationship has become a drag. Duncan is fully devoted to Tucker Crowe, while Annie likes his music just fine but it didn't change her life. They fell into a relationship that quickly developed into a comfortable rut. After placing a review on a fansite, Annie starts having a secret long-distance relationship with Tucker. The book had a slow start and the plot was a bit thin, but I love Hornby's characterization. He always knows a way to create interesting characters and compelling storylines. Hornby is a writer that dares to be funny, intelligent and sensitive at the same time. His style is fantastic: human, with sharp analysis and witty. It's almost impossible to not love his books, although this is so far my least favorite Hornby book. Mostly because it took me a while to get into and it didn't captivate me like for instance "High Fidelity" or "About a Boy" did.
Rating: 3/ 5

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