vrijdag 26 augustus 2011

50 Books Challenge 2011 - # 46: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling

Title: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Author: J.K. Rowling
Story: A grim mood has fallen over the country. The minions of Lord Voldemort continue to grow as his evil spreads. The Ministry of Magic has stepped up security everywhere, and as Harry enters his sixth year at Hogwarts, he begins to see himself -- and everyone around him -- in a different, more discerning, light. With rumors swirling about Harry being the prophesied "Chosen One," he begins taking private lessons from Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore. As Dumbledore prepares Harry for his destined clash with Voldemort by revealing jaw-dropping insights into the Dark Lord's past -- who his parents were, what happened after he left Hogwarts, and more -- Harry also struggles to uncover the identity of the Half-Blood Prince, the past owner of a potions textbook he now possesses that is filled with ingenious, potentially deadly, spells. But Harry's life is suddenly changed forever when someone close to him is heinously murdered right before his eyes....
Start: august 20th 2011
End: august 26th 2011
Comment: Just like the last time, I'm a bit sad that the journey is coming closer to its final destination. This is the darkest and most detailed book in the Harry Potter series yet. Voldemort's role in the stories gets bigger by the book, he gets more depth because we learn about his backstory. That was maybe my favorite part of this book. And it's good that Rowling waited this long to reveal more about Voldemort. We get to know and love Harry, Hermione and Ron more and more and we become a part of their world. This book was fast paced and a real page turner. What I thought was great about the sixth book is that Rowling created the perfect cliff-hanger. A good mystery creates a load of questions. This is a great set-up for the final installment. And we come closer to the enchating ending.
Rating: 5/ 5

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