dinsdag 23 augustus 2011

Best of... Julia Roberts

Eventhough I'm not a fan, I can't ignore her. Julia Roberts has done some great movies. I think there are a lot of movies that most people love, that will not end up on my list. Here are my favorite Julia Roberts movies.

A bunch of medical students put themselves on the point of death in order to find out what happens to the brain. The story isn't groundbreaking, but refreshing and the film is exciting. You don't mess with death.

"Sleeping with the Enemy"
The plot is very simple, about a woman who is abused by her husband and she tries to get away from him. It's basically good actingby Julia and that's what makes it worth its while.

"Mary Reilly"
The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde seen from the point of view of Mary Reilly, the housekeeper. I don't think Julia fans will put in on their list, because a lot of people say it's boring. I think it's underrated and I like it because of the mysterious atmosphere.

"Conspiracy Theory"
This was actually a suprisingly good film. It's very exciting, Mel Gibsons acing is great and his chemistry with Julia is very good. Just a very suspensefull movie with good acting.

The idea of the story is beautiful. I love Susan Sarandon in this movie, a loving mother who can't deal with the fact that her ex-husband is seeing a younger woman. Especially when her kids like her too. Both Sarandon and Roberts are outstanding.

"Erin Brockovich"
I think this is her best role so far. I love a strong female character and that's what Julia created. I think her winning the Oscar was well deserved.

"Mona Lisa Smile"
I really can't explain why, but I always liked this film. Maybe it's because of the time setting. I think it's the strong female cast: besides Julia there is Kirsten Dunst, Julia Stiles and Maggie Gyllenhaal. I like them together.

The actual stars of the film are considered to be the supporting actors Clive Owen and Natalie Portman. Julia Roberts plays a solid role and this movie is based on character developement other then just the story.

"Charlotte's Web"
As a teacher I just love a good children's story. And this is one of those endeering and touching stories. Don't you just love Wilbur?

"Charlie Wilson's War"
It's not one of Tom Hanks' best, but I do like it. It has a good story and message. I don't like Julia's character though, she annoys me.

"Fireflies in the Garden"
Julia's role is very small and the movie isn't really all that special. It's just a beautiful story with good acting in it by Willem Dafoe and Ryan Reynolds.

I haven't seen "Larry Crown" and "Eat, Pray, Love" yet. And I just simply never loved "Pretty Woman" as much as anyone else did. It bugs me how many time it's on TV.

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