dinsdag 6 september 2011

Best of... Clive Owen

He's one of my fifteen favorite actors of all-time and he's charming as hell. Clive Owen made some really great films and I'm here to share them with you. Here are my favorite Clive Owen movies.

"Gosford Park"
A movie with multiple storylines and an outstanding cast. Maggie Smith was my favorite, she did a wonderfull job and carried the film.

"The Bourne Identity"
I'm a big fan of the series, but Owen was only in the first installment. He plays a character named 'The Professor' and doesn't say a word untill his last scene. Movies like the "Bourne" trilogy always make me nervous, because the characters go to places they are not allowed to go.

"I'll Sleep When I'm Dead"
Not a very well known film, but my brother got the DVD for review and I wacthed it with him. Owen is a retired hitman who now lives in a trailer in the woods. When his brother dies, he starts an investigation. I think it's a very good movie.

"Beyond Borders"
Clive Owen was the best in this movie, better than his co-star Angelina Jolie. The film was an eye opener for many and very realistic.

"King Arthur"
I know almost everyone says this was a very bad movie. I saw it in the cinema when it came out and I remember loving it. It's just good entertainment. OK, maybe it isn't all that accurate and the acting is a bit over-the-top, but still...

Julia Roberts and Jude Law are supposed to be the leads, but Natalie Portman and our man Clive Owen are the ones who steal every scene they're in. Especially the scenes they have together. It's a real 'acting' movie, more about the characters than the story.

"Sin City"
Definitely my favorite on this list. How awesome is "Sin City"? I can't describe it. Just the way it looks, just like in the comicbook. Great. And so many interesting characters.

This one actually surprised me. I didn't really know what to think about Clive Owen teaming up with our favorite girl-next-door Jennifer Aniston. Maybe they didn't have the chemistry we wished for, but the story sure has some unexpected twists.

"Inside Man"
Just a very solid movie, with good acting by Clive Owen, Denzel Washington and Jodie Foster. Actors you can always rely on.

"Children of Men"
I think this is my second favorite Clive Owen movie. I escpecially love that scene where the camera follows Owen while he's trying to get to Kee. That's just perfect filmmaking.

"Shoot 'em Up"
A movie you shouldn't really take seriously, but good popcorn entertainment. I love that Clive's character eats carrots instead of smoking cigarets all the time like other action heroes. That was a real funny touch.

"Elizabeth: The Golden Age"
Costume dramas are my weakness, in books and movies. It's not that I like watching men in tights, I always love the complete picture: the story, the costumes, the characters. I saw in the cinema and I remember really liking it. I've only seen it that one time, but it's very good.

"The International"
Almost anything with Naomi Watts in it is good and in combination with Clive Owen it only makes it better. Good action,very solid thriller.

I haven't seen "Trust", which also stars Catherine Keener and was directed by David Schwimmer. It's trailer looked really good. I'm also pretty excited for "Intruders" which looked very scary. "Killer Elite" also sounds awesome, but I'm always a bit sceptic when Jason Statham is in a film.

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