woensdag 21 september 2011

Best of... Sean Penn

I recently saw "Milk" and that reminded me of how great Sean Penn actually is as an actor. He is one of my favorites and he has made some great movies. Here are my favorite Sean Penn films.

"Fast Times at Ridgemont High"
This movie would never be this funny if it didn't give us Jeff Spicoli, Sean Penn's memorable stoner character.

"Casualties of War"
This wasn't just another movie about the Vietnam. I had an even deeper meaning and it was pretty disturbing. It's about morals and ethics and how they are tossed aside.

"Carlito's Way"
Excellent performances by Al Pacino and Sean Penn and I think this movie is very underrated. It is a good gangster movie.

"Dead Man Walking"
A friendship between a man on deathrow and a nun. Although the convicted murderer did something bad, you do sympathize with him on some levels. That means Sean Penn did a great job portraying this character.

Although it has Jennifer Lopez in, who I absolutely dispise, this is a good movie. But we have to thank Penn for it. And we all know what happened to J-Lo in the end and that was very satisfying!

"The Game"
The story is kind of ridiculous, especially when you know how it ends. But this is so exciting and I actually do like the twist in the end.

"The Thin Red Line"
Another war movie with Penn and I prefer the other one, but this is also very good. Beautifully crafted and a great experience.

"I Am Sam"
I probably wouldn't have watched this movie if someone like Sean Penn wouldn't have played the lead. Very good acting, Penn is great in combination with Dakota Fanning.

"Mystic River"
My favorite on this list. The story blew me away when I first saw it. Perfect directed by Clint Eastwood, great performances by Sean Penn and Marcia Gay Harden, but especially Tim Robbins.

"21 Grams"
This story is not told in chronological order and that's the strength of the film. The pieces of the puzzle start falling together as the story goes along. Sean Penn, Naomi Watts an Benicio Del Toro are all amazing in this project.

"Assassination of Richard Nixon"
A very underrated movie and probably even overlooked. this is definitely one of Penn's best work.

His performance was awarded with an Oscar and I think his acting was even better than in "Mystic River". He showed us what a great man Harvey Milk was, a man who wanted to fight for his right and did everything to get through to everyone.

"Fair Game"
The third collaboration with Naomi Watts, who he has perfect chemistry with. Watts is the star of this film, but Penn doesn't need to be the leader to deliver us a solid performance.

I really want to see "The Tree of Life", it looks very good.

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