woensdag 12 oktober 2011

50 Books Challenge 2011 - # 52: Minding Frankie by Maeve Binchy

Title: Minding Frankie
Author: Maeve Binchy
Story: Baby Frankie is born into an unusual family. Her mother is desperate to find someone to take care of her child and she doesn't have much time. Noel doesn't seem to be the most promising of fathers but despite everything, he could well be Frankie's best hope. As for Lisa, she is prepared to give up everything for the man she loves; surely he's going to love her back? And Moira is having none of it. She knows what's right, and has the power to change the course of Frankie's life ...but Moira is hiding secrets of her own.
Start: october 1st 2011
End: october 12th 2011
Comment: I read "Circle of Friends" a while ago and I loved it so much, it was just perfect. I was sure Maeve Binchy wouldn't let me down this time either. And she didn't. Like "Circle of Friends" we are introduced to a bunch of characters, that are described perfectly and all have an important role in the story. That's the power of Binchy, she writes her characters so that we really get to know them. Emily was without a doubt my favorite of all. A woman who brings out the best in people and cares for you before caring for herself. Although Binchy's stories aren't spectacular, they captivated you and make you want to read more. Heartwarming how it litereally takes a village to raise Frankie. The only thing that bugged me a bit were the chapter lengths, some of them were 30 or 40 pages long. Overall Maeve Binchy didn't disappoint me. I love her books and I could recommened this to anyone.
Rating: 4/ 5

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