donderdag 6 oktober 2011

Top 5 Thursday: Actors in Their 30's

I did a top 5 with actresses under 30. There aren't a lot of actors under 30 that I like, so I decided to make a list of actors who are already in their 30's. Here they are.

5. Leonardo DiCaprio
I didn’t get the hype around him when he starred in “Titanic” because I absolutely dispise that movie. I’m glad he decided to make more movies, because they got better. “Blood Diamond”, “The Departed”, “Catch Me If You Can”, “Gangs of New York”, “The Aviator”, “Shutter Island” and of course “Inception”. All fantastic movies!

4. Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling stole my heart in “The Notebook” and continued on starring in great movies. Ryan is an actor who choses his projects very carefully, never the blockbusters. He was subleme in “Half Nelson” and “Lars and the Real Girl” and Anthony Hopkins didn’t overshadow him in “Fracture”.

3. James Franco
I think I stated my love for James Franco more than once and that wasn’t only for his looks. I think James is extremely talented and not an actor who gets typecasted. He challenges himself by not taking on the standard roles. His performance in “127 Hours” was one of the best I’ve ever seen and I was so mad that the Academy gave the award to Colin Firth. I also loved him in “Milk” and “James Dean”.

2. Heath Ledger
It is so sad he isn’t with us anymore, but Heath Ledger was one fine actor. My favorite role was when he played Ennis Del Mar in “Brokeback Mountain”. Oh how I love that film. And off course he is brilliant as the Joker in “The Dark Knight”. And he was honored for that with an Oscar.

1. Christian Bale
Christian Bale started as a childstar, but luckily for us that was just the beginning of a fantastic career. I was so impressed with him already when I saw “Empire of the Sun”, but boy did he shine in “American Psycho”, “The Prestige”, “Rescue Dawn” and “The Machinist”. In 2011 he finally got credit for his work and won an Academy Award for his role in “The Fighter”.

They almost made the top 5: Ryan Reynolds and Jake Gyllenhaal

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