woensdag 11 januari 2012

50 Books Challenge 2012 - # 2: The Horse Whisperer by Nicholas Evans

Title: The Horse Whisperer
Author: Nicholas Evans
Story: A forty-ton truck hurtles out of control on a snowy country road, a teenage girl on horseback in its path. In a few terrible seconds the life of a family is shattered. And a mother's quest begins -- to save her maimed daughter and a horse driven mad by pain. It is an odyssey that will bring her to Tom Booker, known as the horse whisperer
Start: january 6th 2012
End: januari 11th 2012
Comment: I bought this book on sale and I've had it on my shelve for quite some time now. The reason I didn't read it before is because I didn't really expect much from it and by the look of its size I thought it would be a drag and it wouldn't keep my interest. It surprised me though. When I started reading it was really hard to put it down. I truly enjoyed every minute of the story. I was moved by the strained mother/ daughter relationship between Annie and Grace and I especially loved how Grace dealt with her struggles. The accident, losing her legg, her traumatized horse Pilgrim and eventually trying to ride a horse again. Tom was my favorite character. He was a very strong man, but also gentle and very lonely. It was natural that Annie and Tom reached out to each other. It was obvious that Annie didn't have a happy marriage with her husband Robert. He was a good man, to her and also as a father for Grace. With Tom she found all the things she missed with Robert. The ending prevented me from giving the book a full 5 star rating. I just didn't believe what happened to Tom in this book. It didn't really fit his character, it didn't work for me as a reader and it's hard to believe that Tom would do what he did at the end of the story.
Rating: 4/ 5

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