zaterdag 10 maart 2012

In My Mailbox (37)

Four cards this week. The first one came from Perth, Australia. Just a pretty card with three different views.

Sent on: february 24th 2012
Received on: march 5th 2012
Distance: 14,030 km (8,718 miles)
Travel time: 10 days

Second card came from Taiwan, which pictures a tradition. There was a lot of information about it on the back, which I really enjoyed reading.

Sent on: february 27th 2012
Received on: march 6th 2012
Distance: 9,625 km (5,981 miles)
Travel time: 8 days

Then I got a card from Riga, Latvia. My first card from this country and my favorite of the week. It's a picture from a Latvian movie set in the 1920's.

Sent on: march 3rd 2012
Received on: march 10th 2012
Distance: 1,343 km (835 miles)
Travel time: 7 days

The last card came from Belarus, from a fellow teacher. It's a statue of Adam Hitskevich, a poet, publicist and political writer.

Sent on: march 1st 2012
Received on: march 10th 2012
Distance: 1,486 km (923 miles)
Travel time: 9 days

Thanks Lyn, Dough, Maija and Vlada for the postcards!

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