zaterdag 17 maart 2012

In My Mailbox (38)

Four cards again this week. All from the east side of Europe. The first two cards I received both came fom Russia. Odintsovo. My favorite of the week. I love this picture of the ferris wheel.

Sent: february 19th 2012
Received: march 13th 2012
Distance: 2,118 km (1,316 miles)
Travel time: 23 days

... and Yekatirinburg, my other favorite. A dolphin card always makes me happy.

Sent: march 2nd 2012
Received: march 13th 2012
Distance: 3,534 km (2,196 miles)
Travel time: 11 days

Then I also got a card from the capital of Poland.

Sent: march 14th 2012
Received: march 17th 2012
Distance: 936 km (582 miles)
Traveltime: 3 days

And last a card from Belarus. Pretty card with a cute hedgehog.

Sent: march 10th 2012
Received: march 17th 2012
Distance: 1,669 km (1,037 miles)
Travel time: 7 days

Thanks Olya, Natalya, Tomek and Marina for the great postcards!

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