maandag 30 april 2012

50 Books Challenge 2012 Update - April

I read five books this month, he amount I had planned in the beginning of the month. I'm so glad I managed. And I read some great books, one disappointin and one surprising book.

# 14. Playing the Enemy by John Carlin - 4/ 5
# 15. Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes - 2/ 5
# 16. Into the Wild by John Krakauer - 5/ 5
# 17. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote - 3/ 5
# 18. In the Sea There are Crocodiles by Fabio Geda - 4,5/5

Average: 3,7

Favorite of the Month: Into the Wild

Now the theme for may:

From realistic stories to futuristic and dystopian stories. I've already picked up some books I'm super excited about and I have many other books on my do-to list. I'll keep you posted.

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