maandag 23 juli 2012

50 Books Challenge 2012 - # 29: Solo by Jill Mansell

Title: Solo
Author: Jill Mansell
Story: When Tessa Duvall meets Ross Monahan at a party, she knows that he's only after one thing, and just for that night, she's happy to go with the flow. But weeks later, she realizes that she may have got a little bit more from the one-night stand than she bargained for. Tessa is determined to go it alone, but Ross, unaccustomed to being rejected, has other plans.
Start: july 17th 2012
End: july 23rd 2012
Comment: Jill Mansell is my go-to author when I want something fun, light and solid. It's never a five-star book, but I always enjoy them, they have fun characters and they make me laugh. It's almost a guarantee. This Mansell book doesn't have any of those elements. It's my least favorite so far. I really had to wrestle my way through the book. First of all I didn't sympathize with the leading character Tessa, couldn't relate to her on any level. She was very one-dimensional and normally they will become more likeable throughout the book. Tessa just didn't. The plot didn't interest me either. It was kind of a drag and my mind wandered of sometimes while reading the book. That never happened before. I didn't like "Solo", though I'm not giving up on Jill Mansell. One bad book doesn't make her a bad author.
Rating: 1/ 5

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