vrijdag 7 september 2012

50 Books Challenge 2012 - # 39: Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens

Title: Nicholas Nickleby
Author: Charles Dickens
Story: When his father dies suddenly, Nicholas Nickleby must decide on his future. Unfortunately, Nicholas has very few prospects...and even less money! Luckily, his Uncle Ralph has pulled some strings at a school called Dotheboys Hall and Nicholas is hired as a teacher. However, the naive and kindhearted Nicholas discovers that the headmaster, a sniveling worm by the name of Wackford Squeers, is a blackhearted, malicious bully who treat the boys in his care abominably. He'd like to leave, but then his uncle will cut off all support for his mother and sister. Should Nicholas tough it out? Or will he seek his fortune elsewhere?
Start: september 1st 2012
End: September 7th 2012
Comment: When I came up with this theme, Charles Dickens was the first author (after Jane Austen of course) that popped in my head. I choose "Nicholas Nickleby" because it spoke to me. It's an interesting coming-of-age tale, but really tells the story of the Nickleby family instead of just Nicholas. After his fathers death, Nicholas finds a way to provide for his virtuous sister Kate and his mother, who reminded me a bit of a less outrageous Bennet mother from "Pride and Prejudice". Nicholas is a great character, I really liked him. But my heart goes out to Smike. So sad, I really felt for him. Like I said before, it's not just about Nicholas. I didn't expect that. Maybe that's why this book was so gigantic. That's the main reason why I didn't give it a five star rating: the length of the book. I loved "Nicholas Nickleby" but it could use some 'deleted scenes'. This Dickens story fitted my theme perfectly.
Rating: 4,5/ 5

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