zaterdag 29 september 2012

In My Mailbox (64)

Five cards again this week. The first one came from Kiev, Ukraine. A lovely cornfield. The sender is also a big fan of "Pride & Prejudice", both the novel and the movie (the one with Keira).

Sent: september 3rd 2012
Received: september 25th 2012
Distance: 1,722 km (1,070 miles)
Travel time: 22 days

From Lausanne, Switzerland I got this big clocktower. Really beautiful.

Sent: september 15th 2012
Received: september 25th 2012
Distance: 518 km (322 miles)
Travel time: 10 days

My favorite of the week also came from Switzerland, this time Schaffhausen. I love this balloon card. The sender wrote that he visited New York and he went to Bubba Gump Shrimp, from the movie "Forrest Gump". How awesome is that?

Sent: september 20th 2012
Received: september 25th 2012
Distance: 434 km (270 miles)
Travel time: 5 days

The smallest postcard ever came from Ternopil, Ukraine. This cute bunny card.

Sent: september 19th 2012
Received: september 28th 2012
Distance: 1,401 km (871 miles)
Travel time: 9 days

The last card came from Changhua City, Taiwan. It's a bird!!!

Sent: september 16th 2012
Received: september 29th 2012
Distance: 9,508 km (5,908 miles)
Travel time: 13 days

Thanks Kate, Lisa, Ben, Natalia and Li Ling Lo for the great cards!!

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