dinsdag 9 oktober 2012

Check This Out # 3

I found dome great things on the net again. First I found this very cool flash mob. Not just a flash mob, this actually made me cry. Just check it out...

Proposal Flash Mob

I also discovered this college website. It's based on the upcoming "Monsters University" movie, which is set in college. It's the website for the actual Monsters University. So funny.

Monsters University Website

This next thing is awesome. The Quentin Tarantino collection. It includes movies like "Pulp Fiction", "Reservoir Dogs" and the both "Kill Bill" movies. And a lot of specials and never seen before footage.

I found this clip from the David Letterman show. Anna Kendrick was a guest nd she shows a special talent including a cup.

Anna Kendrick Special Talent

Let me know what you think and leave me a comment. Or maybe you have something I need to check out.

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