maandag 27 mei 2019

Best Characters on "Game of Thrones"

Few shows have as many great characters as "Game of Thrones". Some have gone through huge changes across the series' eight season. Others have established themselves as some of the best villains or greatest heroes. Then there are those characters that were only around for a few episodes, yet they still had a massive impact on the show and its audience. Today I rank the 30 best characters of "Game of Thrones". Please note: they are who I consider the BEST characters, they are not the character I like the most. I will list my 10 favorite characters at the end.

30. The Night King (portrayed by Vladimir Furdik)
He is the embodiment of evil. Why, exactly, the Night King marches South to destroy mankind remains somewhat of a mystery. But whatever the reason may be, he’s a terrifying foe. Him being defeated by Arya, even he didn’t see it coming.

29. Ramsay Bolton (portrayed by Iwan Rheon)
Joffrey might have been terrible, but he was a spoiled brat that would whine whenever he didn’t get his way. But Ramsay is the absolute worst. He takes pleasure in torturing people and never treats others right. Ramsay eventually dying by being fed to his own dogs, was a terrifying death for a terrible human being, yet very satisfying.

28. Melisandre (portrayed by Carice van Houten)
Melisandre is probably the most enigmatic character in the series. She is a red priestess of R’hllor and a shadowbinder. She worships the Lord of Light. While poor Stannis Baratheon and his peers are her own instruments, in order to realize the realm of the new God. She is a master in secretive behavior and und undisclosed information.

27. Hodor (portrayed by Kristian Nairn)
This big, yet sweet and simple minded servant of House Stark, touched our hearts and made a huge impact without ever saying more than his own name. As the constant carrier of young Bran, Hodor would be featured in one of the show’s most memorable and moving deaths.

26. Samwell Tarly (portrayed by John Bradley)
The soft-hearted Samwell Tarly may have been banished to the Wall by his macho dad, but the avid book lover managed to find himself a sweet position. Best friend to Jon Snow, Sam had been through it all, from White Walker attacks to Wildling invasions. Possessing a nonviolent everyman quality, Sam has made his way around Westeros from Castle Black to eventually becoming a Maester in King’s Landing for King Bran.

25. Robb Stark (portrayed by Richard Madden)
In any other story, the eldest son of the betrayed and murdered lord would surely rise up and claim vengeance. But that’s not the case in the world of Westeros as Ned Stark’s oldest, the galant Robb Stark, found his path to redemption violently and horrifyingly cut short thanks to the Red Wedding. Robb, like his father, was undone by his own honor. But as honorable as Robb was too, it was his oath-breaking that ultimately got him killed.

24. Missandei (portrayed by Nathalie Emmanuel)
As a slave who served the Masters of Astapor, Missandei had a front row seat for Daenerys’ feisty fiery dragon attack and subsequent commandeering of the unsullied army. Sticking with the winning team, Missandei actually found her way into Daenerys’ inner circle and developed and unexpected friendship with her. She also found the way to Grey Worm’s heart. She is a kindhearted, faithful woman, who died for her savior, her Queen.

23. Oberyn Martell (portrayed by Pedro Pascal)
This dashing prince of Dorne arrived in King’s Landing with a giant chip on his shoulder, stil bearing heavy resentment toward Lord Tywin for the death of his sister Elia during the sack of King’s Landing. As our first formal introduction to Dorne, Oberyn was both logical and passionate, restrained but also dangerous. He only lasted one season, but his short stint as a hero when he agreed to fight for Tyrion in a trial by combat, remains one of the most crowd pleasing moments of the series. Even if it did end rather horribly for the ‘Red Viper’.

22. Bronn (portrayed by Jerome Flynn)
Many of the other characters on this list matter to the plot of the politics of Westeros, but Bronn earns his place on this list based almost entirely on what his character says about the nature of the world. Like Davos, Varys or Brienne, he’s one of the few non-nobles to have a voice in the affairs of the great and powerful houses of Westeros, and he’s and unapologetic mercenary which is a welcome antidote to the scheming pretense the rest of the characters are known for. It’s the one quality that makes him in many ways one of the most loyal and honest characters in the entire series. Add in his time as Tyrion’s bodyguard and his buddy-cop stint with Jaime and he’s easily one of the most entertaining characters around.

21. Lyanna Mormont (portrayed by Bella Ramsay)
She may be little, but Lyanna Mormont stands right there with all the grown, strong and brave men. And she is just as brave as them. She stole every scene with her bold, authoritarian flair and I wouldn’t hesitate to bend the knee. And Lyanna went out like a great warrior, by killing a giant with her last breath.

20. Catelyn Stark (portrayed by Michelle Farley)
The Lady of Winterfell, Catelyn Stark, became the series honorary lead after the untimely beheading of her husband Ned, as she tried to take control of spiraling events. Catelyn eventually meeting her tragic end, during the Red Wedding, and her guttural cry of anguish, will stay in our minds forever.

19. Jorah Mormont (portrayed by Iain Glenn)
An older man in love with a much younger woman. Jorah Mormont is an exile and a spy, a servant and a soldier. Although we first meet him spying on Daenerys for Varys under the guise of serving as her mentor, Jorah grew to admire and love Khaleesi. Seeing in her the makings of a true monarch. He is a tragic character, because his love for Daenerys will always stay unanswered. When she is the only person who stayed loyal to her untill the end. And that’s exactly how Jorah died: while protecting his true Queen.

18. Margaery Tyrell (portrayed by Nathalie Dormer) 
Margaery Tyrell, so sweet. So conniving. So giving. So manipulative. But she is above all incredibly ambitious and always ready with a new plan to secure a place at the top of King’s Landing. So did she really care about the poor, or was it all an act to secure their support? Did she have any genuine compasion for young, overwhelmed Tommen, or was she only making sure the young King was under her control as she strove to gain control from Cersei? Or was the true answer somewhere in the middle?

17. Joffrey Baratheon (portrayed by Jack Gleeson)
The sneery, whiney, sadistic former boy-king of Westeros went on a many-year rampage during his tenure on the Iron Throne. His slow transformation from priveliged brat to torture-loving, self-righteous monster was like watching a train wreck unfold in slow motion. Joffrey became more destructive and hard to like with each passing moment. Joffrey was ultimately responsible for the execution of Ned Stark. Outside his direct contributions to the destabilization of the kingdom, his wild inpredictability and spathy toward the good of his people forced those around him to elevate themselves. Characters like Tywin, Tyrion, Cersei and Sansa all had to step into new roles to either try and repair the damage that followed him, or just learn to survive him.

16. Brienne of Tarth (portrayed by Gwendoline Christie)
Brienne of Tarth is a warrior woman in a man’s world. Mocked for her masculine appearance and unladylike features, she nevertheless strives to be a noble person and worthy knight. After failing to protect the one man who truly believed in her, she found herself partnered with the antithesis of everything she stands for: Jaime Lannister. On the field of combat, Brienne’s brutish strength and efficient skill has seen her cut down numerous soldiers. Brienne is an unique and engaging character that’s hard not to root for.

15. Sandor “The Hound” Clegane (portrayed by Rory McCann)
He may not be the most loveable character, and there have definitely been times we’ve hated him, but Sandor Clegane ranks up there on my list. He is one of the most dangerous and feared men in Westeros, but his character arc is one of the most interesting. Sandor grew up in the shadows of his brother Gregor, unil he was eventually appointed to be the guard for Joffrey Baratheon. But while being in that shadow gave him a dark streak, it also gave him empathy for underlings that has translated into soft spots for both Sansa and Arya Stark.

14. Sansa Stark (portrayed by Sophie Turner)
To say Sansa Stark began as the least likeable member of the Stark family is an understatement. The polar opposite of her sister Arya, Sansa felt she deserved a life of luxury, as a Princess and eventually a Queen. But as fate would have it, Sansa would instead learn some incredibly harsh and cruel lessons about how things really worked in Westeros. Enduring unthinkable loses and pain along the way. What makes her stand out is that she is though, not giving up where others would, and slowly but surely adapting to survive in this environment. She started playing the game of thrones herself, using Littlefinger’s unhealthy interest in her to her advantage when it counted the most and eventually getting her well-deserved revenge on Ramsay Bolton. She never leveled with Cersei in being a mastermind or with Arya in battle, but she was the one making the better decisions towards the end and got what she wanted. The North seperated from the rest and her ruling it.

13. Davos Seaworth (portrayed by Liam Cunningham)
In the “Game of Thrones” world there aren’t many character that are consistenly likeable and genuine, without suffering quick and terrible fate. Davos Seaworth is one of those characters, though he is no stranger to heartache and loss. Davos is a gruff and loveable man and he is an element of humanity that’s often missing in the conniving machinations of the realm’s would-be kings. It’s hard not to respect Davos, the smuggler turned kingly advisor serves as the shows moral compass. He’s a humble man with a code who understands that the smart course of action is rarely the right thing to do. He struggles to promote those beliefs and an internal sense of justice amid so many characters are willing to lose themselves in the face of their own ambition. Whether he’s pushing those he believes in to believe in themselves, or delivering genuine, heartfelt pleas when all other options fail, Davos has time again proven that sacrifice in order to do what’s right is as kingly a goal as any claim to the throne.

12. Theon Greyjoy (portrayed by Alfie Allen)
Raised as a surrogate son by Ned Stark, Theon Greyjoy never quite belonged in the Stark family despite being a foster brother to Ned’s children. His complicated feelings towards the Starks, his resentment, and desire to assert himself as heir to the Iron Islands lead not only to his betrayal of the Starks but also to his own destruction as a man. Tortured by Ramsay Bolton, Theon became a shell of a human who only asnwered to the name ‘Reek’. When helping Sansa, a slim chance for atonement presented itself. Eventually Theon grew up to be a true hero, by sacrificing himself to save Brann in the Battle of Winterfell.

11. Jaime Lannister (portrayed by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau)
Forever known as the infamous Kingslayer for his treacherous assassination of the Mad King, who he was sworn to protect, Jaime Lannister was once arguably the most formidable swordsman in Westeros ad a character who seemed irredeemable. His passionate love for his twin sister Cersei, his soft spot for his black sheep brother Tyrion, the lost of his sword hand. The deaths of his children and father and his bonds with Brienne and Bronn. All of these relationships and events have revealed Jaime Lannister to be a far more complicated character than his earlier ‘prince charming’ persona indicated.

10. Olenna Tyrell (portrayed by Diana Rigg)
Being called ‘Queen of Thorns” for her sharp tongue, Olenna Tyrell is a constant high point in “Game of Thrones” thanks to her penchant for saying what’s on her mind. Usually at the expense of whomever she’s backhandedly insulting. Olenna Tyrell has always been the true head of House Tyrell, serving as the brains and chief strategist for the powerful family. Olenna was the one who poisoned Joffrey Baratheon, because she couldn’t see her granddaughter Margaery marry a monster. While Tyrion Lannister was the one they blamed it on, Olenna told Jaime Lannister much later it was her.

9. Eddard Stark (portrayed by Sean Bean)
Even putting aside Sean Bean’s star power, the character of Eddard Stark does so much to set the tone of the show. His lessons about honor and loyalty and justice reverberate through the actions of his children, many of whom became major players in the game. And his execution in that first season further sent the message that maybe honor isn’t as practical as you might hope. Ned’s shadow looms large over the entire series, both as an example of the type of heroic figures we’re used to seeing and as a major player whose actions still continue to ripple throughout the kingdom.

8. Jon Snow (portrayed by Kit Harington)
It’s no question why Jon Snow is one of the most important character in “Game of Thrones”. At one point, he was THE most important character. Jon has all the traits of a classic hero: honor, kindness, intelligence, persistence and selflessness. Jon proves time and time again that his duty comes before his own desires. One of the most intriguing aspects of Jon Snow’s character is his mysterious parentage. Accepted as the illegitimate son of Ned Stark for years, Jon has never expressed interest in ruling Westeros. Even with him being the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, meaning Jon is the rightful heir to throne, he doesn’t want to sit on the throne.

7. Arya Stark (portrayed by Maisie Williams)
Arya’s journey has had a few rough patches, in terms of what the character has been through. What makes her undeniably awesome is that she is the least powerful of the series’ principals, but has managed to keep her head while other smarter, stronger and better connected Starks have lost theirs. She’s reinvented herself multiple times and eventually became on of the most feared assassins. And she saved all of mankind when she killed the Night King.

6. Tywin Lannister (portrayed by Charles Dance)
There are few characters in “Game of Thrones” that are more singularly responsible for the political climate and power standing than Tywin Lannister. The influental and rightly feared head of House Lannister was responsible for the sacking of King’s Landing during Robert’s rebellion, effectively ending the war, setting in motion the union between his house and the crown, and planting the seeds for nearly every major plotline to follow in the capitol. He steals nearly every scene he is in, commanding respect with his unnerving, comtemplative mood.

5. Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish (portrayed by Aidan Gillen)
Lord Petyr Baelish, aka Littlefinger, orchestrated the entire conspiracy that kicked off the events of the game of thrones by plotting the death of Ned Stark’s good friend Jon Arryn and using that to gain power in King’s Landing. Littlefinger has a shrewd, calculating mind and rivals Varys for character with the most secrets and schemes. Everything Littlefinger has done, has been part of a master plan that allows him to climb the ladder of chaos all the way to the top. Yet despite his ways, his unrequited love for Catelyn and then her daughter Sansa adds a pitiful vulnerability to the slimy personality. And his schemes were eventually outsmarted by Sansa and Arya.

4. Daenerys Targaryen (portrayed by Emilia Clarke)
Whether Daenerys Targaryen proves to be a savior out of legend or a conqueror who is bad news for Westeros, there’s no denying she is one of the most monumental characters on “Game of Thrones”. She helped bring magic back into the world with the birth of her three dragons, which is no small feat to say the least. She is one of the most significant players in the story through its conclusion.

3. Cersei Lannister (portrayed by Lena Heady)
Cersei Lannister is flawed, vindictive and cunning. She is bullheaded, mad yet steadfast in her love for her children. There are few characters quite as dark and fascinating as Cersei Lannister. She is a woman in a man’s world who is fighting to be a political equal of men who view her lesser simply because of her gender. Her initial warning – “when you play the game of thrones, you win or you die”- has proved to be her mantra. Though there is something to be respected about how she stood strong for so long, while more likeable and honorable people around her fell. Even when she does the most hateful, awefull things and spirals into madness, we still can’t help but respect how she clawed her way to the top.

2. Varys (portrayed by Conleth Hill)
Also known as ‘the Spider’ and Master of Whisperers, Varys is a spymaster and is a key power on “Game of Thrones” thanks to the secrets and information given to him by informants (his little birds). He often finds himself at odds with Littlefinger, the only other character who can compete with him when it comes to secretly manipulating events to reach a large goal. It was Varys who put Daenerys on the path to power and allowed Tyrion to escape execution to join her in an effort to return the Targaryens to the throne. But he was also the one that betrayed Daenerys and this eventually cost him. The calm and soft-spoken Varys van be counted among the most dangerous and influential character of the series.

1. Tyrion Lannister (portrayed by Peter Dinklage)
Tyrion’s is the rarest of all things in Westeros: a smart person with scruples. While Ned may have shown more moral fortitude, his gullibility made him a quick casualty in the game of thrones. And while Littlefinger may have more insight in how to manipulate and exploit a situation, he only ever really does it for his own benefit. But Tyrion expends those same qualities to protect a realm and a family that reject him at every turn. His willingness to rise above his circumstances, and his own notable failings, to turn his intelligence and connections toward doing whatever he needs to do to keep the realm safe.

My favorite characters:
10. Bronn
9. Brienne of Tarth
8. Davos Seaworth
7. Daenerys Targaryen
6. Sansa Stark
5. Jorah Mormont
4. Eddard Stark
3. Tyrion Lannister
2. Jon Snow
1. Arya Stark

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