zondag 14 juli 2019

10s Movie Reviews - Behind the Curve

Director: Daniel J. Clark
Genre: Documentary
Runtime: 96 minutes
Year: 2018
Starring: Mark K. Sargant, Patricia Steere, Jeran Campanella, Hannalore Gerlings-Dunsmore, Robbie Davidson, Stephan Hagberg, Lamar Glover, Brian Hickey, Scott Kelly, Bob Knodel, Spiros Michalakis, Joe Pierre, Chris Pontius

Description: Meet real Flat Earthers, a small but growing contingent of people who firmly believe in a conspiracy to suppress the truth that the earth is flat.

Review: An incredibly interesting documentary, about people who believe that the earth is flat. Their entire life is dedicated to proving this.
For the most part of the documentary, we follow Mark S. Sargant, head of the still growing community of so-called Flat Earthers.
We see both sides of the story. We see the Flat Earthers talking about why they believe the earth is flat and all kinds of conspiracies that are going on according to them. But we also see scientists, who have studied it, and their opinion on the Flat Earthers.
This is a documentary that I watched while biting my knuckles a lot. I simply don’t understand how they can think the earth is flat. There is so many proof that we live on a globe. And all the tests they do, contradict their theories, but they still believe they are right. They have no actual proof of the earth being flat. They even believe that we live under a dome, like in “The Truman Show”.
It was really interesting to see what drives these people, why they believe it and how dedicated they are to the cause. Even if I think they are a bit nuts.

Rating: 3/ 5

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