dinsdag 23 juli 2019

Best Moments of "Stranger Things" (Season 3)

We've waited for a year, only to enjoy it for three days. Season 3 of "Stranger Things" was again great. It brought us a lot of amazing, heartfelt, funny, heroic and epic moments. I will count down my eleven favorites (eleven, since it is "Stranger Things").

11. Operation Child Endangerment
Remember when “Stranger Things” season 2 premiered and it took us 0,02 seconds to fall in love with Erica? I was so happy to see that she had a big part in season 3. In this season, Erica is all about hanging out at Starcourt mall with her friends. Having a good time with her friends and ignoring her nerdy brother and his friends. Because Robin, Dustin and Steve need someone small enough to crawl to the vents, Erica is the perfect person for this. Erica call is “operation child endangerment”. The task is difficult and the danger great, but Erica manages to pull it off.

10. Steve and Dustin reunite
Season 2 brought us an unlikely friendship: Steve and Dustin. And it’s a great bromance. What started in season 2 is no a full-on friendship. There are two moments between the two that I really loved. The first is when Steve and Dustin reunite after spending the summer apart and it’s the most adorable thing. And the second moment is when Dustin tells Steve he won’t leave him behind, when they are cornered by the Russians. In fact, he says: Ïf you die, I die”. If that isn’t friendship!

9. The mayor’s unexpected meeting
If you live in a small town and your mayor is a moron who will ruin your summer, you better hope that your Chief of Police has the guts to stand up to him, like Hopper did with Larry Kline. Mayor Kline was helping the Russians with their secret plans. The beating Hopper gave him, while Joyce prevented the secretary from stopping it, was one of the most satisfying moments of the season

8. Robin cracks the code
Robin is a great new character in season 3. She is funny, smart and a welcome addition to the stellar cast. Not only does she stand out on her own, her friendship with Steve made the season even better. Robin doesn’t only bring more humor to the series, but her intelligence plays a big role in figuring out the season’s big mystery. After Dustin intercepts Russian transmission on Cerebro and Steve realized the transmission is actually coming from Hawkins, it’s Robin who figures out what everything means. She translates the Russian transmission and has an epiphany about it as she darts around Starcourt mall.

7. Nancy cracks the case of the Mindflayer
Nancy has a jo at The Hawkins Post and her coworkers aren’t treating her well. But that stop her from doing her thing. Against the wishes of her supervisors, Nancy looks into the case of the rabid rats all over Hawkins. She knows something is up and gets Jonathan to help her. And I’m glad she did. Because apart from Robin, she’s the only reason why anyone managed to survive through season 3. The women really dominated this season. Thanks to Nancy’s detective work, everyone found out that the creepy collection of rats at the start of the season were combining together to form the Mindflayer. But that’s not all. This revelation also taught everyone that it wasn’t just rats being used in this manner; humans were also a part of it.

6. Murray calls out Hopper and Joyce
Paranoid underground investigator Murray Bauman helped Jonathan and Nancy get over the relationship hump in season 2, and he tried to work his Cupid magic again this year. Only, he didn’t mince (his very loud) words when it came to calling out Hopper and Joyce obvious sexual tension, during one of the most hilarious scenes of the season. It only got better when Alexi asked what all the yelling was about.

5. Billy’s sacrifice
Billy was introduced in season 2. Not one of the most liked characters and that sure isn’t going to change at the start of season 3. His character arc took off in a big way in this season. After being taken over by the Mindflayer, Billy goes through a drastic transformation that takes him from agressice asshole to murderous killer. And although he was crossing all kinds of lines, we also got to see a tender side of him. When trying to find him, Eleven sees a young Billy at the beach with his mother. A very sweet moment we never expected. Billy was the Mindflayer’s tool, but he also got a connection with Eleven. And in the final moment, Billy sacrificed himself to save her life. And finally he did something nice.

4. Robin comes out to Steve
Robin and Steve were probably one of the best duos of the season. Their best moment was also their most tender moment, even if it did happen on a public bathroom floor. When Robin came out to Steve is was powerful and moving. This moment showed the strength and vulnerabilities of the characters as the two solidified their friendship in the middle of chaos.

3. Neverending Story
Dustin went away to camp for the summer and he has a girlfriend: Suzie. But no one believes him. We get to see her at the end of the series, when Joyce and Hooper need Planck’s constant to open the Russian safe. Dustin thinks Suzie might know and tries to connect with her through Cerebro. And there she is. She does, but she won’t tell him before coaxing Dustin into singing the theme of “The Neverending Story”. I’m not much for a random musical number usually, but this is the cutest thing ever!!!

2. Joyce and Hopper’s final moment
It’s been three seasons, but Jim and Joyce finally get their moment in season 3. Sort of. Joyce asks Hopper out to sinner, tells him he can pick her up and it’s adorable. Not knowing yet what will happen next. The attraction between the two has build up over the course of the season rather than being forced. And while we didn’t get any declarations of love or even a kiss, their final moments together are enough to satisfy our ‘Jopper’ – loving hearts.

1. Hopper’s note to Eleven
To be honest, I’m still not over this. It’s a beautiful heartfelt moment and I balled my eyes out. At the end of season 2, Mike and Eleven became a couple and when season 3 starts, they can’t seem to get their hands off each other. Hopper isn’t too pleased with all this behind closed doors and insists they keep the door open at least three inches. Hopper isn’t that great with emotions, so he can’t tell Eleven how he really feels. Joyce advices him to write it down. Hopper never gives the speech, but Eleven gets to read it after Hopper dies. And there I go again, tears. Lots of tears! Oh, and I refuse to believe he’s actually dead.

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