donderdag 22 augustus 2019

Best "Game of Thrones" Episodes

Since the series end, “Game of Thrones fans have been very mad about the final season and especially the writing of the episodes. I understand and for the most part agree, because us fans deserved better. And so did the characters and the story. But even though a bad final season ruined a lot, it didn’t ruin all those amazing episodes we got on the other seasons. I decided to rank my 20 favorite episodes of “Game of Thrones”. If you haven’t seen the entire series yet, BEWARE OF SPOILERS!

20. The Bear and the Maiden (Season 3, Episode 7)
This episode didn’t feature any deaths. “The Bear and the Maiden” focuses on the final act of Jaime’s season 3 redemption arc. He jumps into a fighting pit at Harrenhal to save Brienne, who has to fight a bear. Theon is still being tortured by Ramsay Bolton, who takes away Theon’s most prized possession. His genitals are savagely removed.

19. Winter is Coming (Season 1, Episode 1)
This is where it all began for us viewers and were fandoms were born. “Winter is Coming” incites you into Westeros, back when the dire wolves were pups and the Starks were all together. Ned Stark agrees to help his old friend, King Robert, down in King’s Landing so that he can secretly look into the death of his mentor. And across the sea, a young Daenerys is sold off to Khal Drogo by her brother. And at the end of the episode, the tone is set for the rest of the series, when Jaime pushes Bran from the tower after he was caught making love to his sister Cersei.

18. Fire and Blood (Season 1, Episode 10)
Despite following one of “Game of Thrones” biggest and most shocking episodes, the season 1 finale “Fire and Blood” still managed to sear its way into everyone’s psyche. Who doesn’t remember the image of a naked Daenerys emerging from a massive fire, unharmed, with three little baby dragons, newly hatched. She was just forced to put her husband Khal Drogo out of his misery, but Daenerys officially transformed into the Mother of Dragons. And all the Starks, wherever they are, learn about Ned’s execution.

17. And Now His Watched is Ended (Season 3, Episode 4)
Jaime is forced to wear his severed hand around his neck, Margaery began her manipulation of Joffrey, Theon is tricked by Ramsay into thinking he was escaping and Lord Commander Mormont was killed at Craster’s Keep. Daenerys ended up with an army of 8000 Unsullied soldiers and she turned her dragons loose on the slave masters of Astapor. DRACARYS!

16. The Children (Season 4, Episode 10)
Stannis and his army arrive at the Wal to save Jon Snow and the Night’s Watch. Daenerys chains up her dragons. Tyrion is set free by his brother Jaime and during his escape, he kills his lover Shae and father Tywin. But it was Brienne’s battle with The Hound that helped make the season 4 finale excel. That and Arya’s cold, silent refusal to put The Hound out of his misery.

15. Kissed by Fire (Season 3, Epside 5)
Not only did Jon Snow and Ygritte consummate their budding relationship inside a cave, Jaime laid bare his soul in front of Brienne. He confesses to her the real reason he killed King Aerys, the man he’d sworn a sacred oath to protect. This is one of the best moment in the entire series. Also, the Hound faced off against the flaming sword of Beric Dondarrion. Beric dies, which caused Thoros to demonstrate a resurrection.

14. The Door (Season 6, Episode 5)
The episode is off course most known for Hodor’s sacrificial demise. One of the saddest character deaths. And not only does it stand as one of the show’s trademark great and gruesome deaths, but also opened the “door” to a whole new world of time-shifting, providing answers about Hodor’s confounding timespace-looped origin while also cluing us in on some of the real ramifications of Bran’s warging powers.

13. The Mountain and the Viper (Season 4, Episode 8)
In “The Mountain and the Viper”, Daenerys discovered Jorah’s betrayal and banished him while a newly confident Sansa donned a striking new black dress. But what everyone remembers the most is that fight between Oberyn Martell and Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane. A fight that almost went the way many viewers hoped, until Oberyn became too cocky and paid the painful price. The Mountain killing Oberyn is probably the most brutal death on the show, which most people watched peeping though the hands that covered their eyes.

12. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (Season 8, Episode 2)
This is probably the last episode before some fans started to seriously hate the show. “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” focuses on the final hours before the battle against the Night King and his army of the undead. Each character has to come to terms that it might be their last moment alive. The best moments were when Brienne, Tormund, Podrick, Tyrion, Jaime and Davos are sitting around the fire and Jaime eventually knighting Brienne. It was a ‘calm before the storm’ episode with a lot of heart.

11.You Win or You Die (Season 1, Episode 7)
This episode is memorable for many reasons. We meet Tywin Lannister, Daenerys survives an assassination attempt and Jon Snow takes his Night’s Watch vows. But its most notable as Ned Stark’s ultimate unraveling. Being stubbornly noble and true, Ned offered Cersei the chance to come clean regarding the real father of her children. Unfortunately for Ned, King Robert dies from a hunting injury and Cersei used this moment to call out Ned as a traitor and plan Prince Joffrey’s kingly coronation. And we all remember Littlefinger’s knife to Ned’s neck: ”I did warn you not to trust me”.

10. The Lion and the Rose (Season 4, Episode 2)
After four seasons, “Game of Thrones” finally gave us a wedding reception we could rejoice over. King Joffrey chokes to death while engaging in one of his favorite things to do: tormenting Tyrion. The young brute died in agony, clutching his throat. And it was glorious. Never before have I cheered so loudly for a character’s death.

9. The Dance of Dragons (Season 5, Episode 9)
The penultimate episode of season 5 was on fire. Daenerys, Tyrion and their friends were attacked and surrounded by the Sons of the Harpy and eventually saved by Drogon. This is the first time we see Dany ride one of her dragons. Also an epic and very tragic moment was the cruel death of Shireen Baratheon, daughter of Stannis. Who was burned at the stake, as a sacrifice to the Lord of Light. This is also one of the most shocking moments in the series.

8. The Winds of Winter (Season 6, Episode 10)
This episode has the most suspenseful and merciless explosive sequence. “The Winds of Winter” wonderfully paid off a two-season storyline that had started to drag. Cersei choosing violence like she loves to do, purged King’s Landing of just about every named character and ascended to the Iron Throne with Qyburn as her Hand. Daenerys finally sets sail to Westeros, with a larger force than ever. And on top of that, it was solidified that Arya’s arc over in Braavos was truly over via a throat slit, a gurgle, and some pies, as she returned to Westeros for killing Walder Frey and his sons.

7. Baelor (Season 1, Episode 9)
Season 1’s episode “Baelor” was the jumping off point for the show not playing by conventional story rules. This was the shocking moment that got the misery ball rolling and started the real ‘game of thrones’. Ned, who was the main protagonist, was executed by Joffrey and the whole world was in shock. Elsewhere, Robb made a vow to Walder Frey, Tyrion played a drinking game with Bronn and Shae and Daenerys unwittingly lost her unborn child.

6. Blackwater (Season 2, Episode 9)
In season 2, many scrambled to claim the Iron Throne. And we were looking for a new hero, since Ned was executed. Would it be Robb, out to defeat the Lannisters and seek justice for his father? No, it would be Tyrion who’d rise up. In the epic, impressive battle episode “Blackwater”, he’d not only put into action a dangerously clever plan involving wildfire so as to wipe out Stannis’ ships, but he’d be the one to rally the citizens to fight for their city after Joffrey cowardly left the battlefield.

5. The Spoils of War (Season 7, Episode 4)
Season 7 won’t exactly live on its history as the best season of the show, but boy, that fourth episode was an epic one. From Arya returning to Winterfell and sparring with Brienne to Jon verbally sparring with Daenerys to that final awesome battle sequence involving Daenerys riding her dragon into war against Jaime Lannister’s forces. This was a marvelous masterstroke of worlds colliding. It was so damn good and it’s the true gem of the seventh season.

4. Mother’s Mercy (Season 5, Episode 10)
The season 5 finale is a rather busy and brutal episode. Cersei is forced to endure abuse and humiliation at the hands of her own citizens, while doing her ‘walk of shame’. Meanwhile, Arya wiped one more name off her list, by killing Meryn Trant in the most brutal way. Despite those big moments however, most people were talking about the time the final credits rolled: THEY KILLED JON SNOW! The killed off one of the most important characters on the show.

3. Hardhome (Season 5, Episode 8)
I think no one expected “Hardhome” to deliver, since season 5 wasn’t going that well. The final 20 minutes deliver unto us as the Night King’s unleashes a literal avalanche of ferocious undead on the last remaining Wildlings and Jon Snow. It brought the White Walkers to the forefront of the series in terrifying fashion and further helped solidify Jon Snow as the show’s ultimate hero.

2. The Rains of Castamere (Season 3, Episode 9)
The Red Wedding stands as one of the most diabolical bloodlettings in TV history. It’s a big shock and pure misery, that still makes my neck hair stand up. We were all left hollowed out and that was probably the intention. I’ve never been shocked and scarred more than by this episode.

1. Battle of the Bastards (Season 6, Episode 9)
This is the episode with the most impressive and expansive battle sequence ever. “Battle of the Bastards” saw Jon Snow and his undersized army scrape and claw to retake Winterfell from Ramsay Bolton. It was a massive, emotional fight to the finish as Sansa saved the day, with Littlefinger’s army and feeding Ramsay to his hounds.

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