woensdag 16 oktober 2019

Movie Reviews - Fractured (2019)

Director: Brad Anderson
Genre: Drama/ Thriller
Runtime: 99 minutes
Year: 2019
Starring: Sam Worthington, Lily Rabe, Lucy Capri, Stephen Tobolowsky

Description: A couple stops at a gas station, where they 7 year old daughter’s arm is fractured. They hurry to a hospital. Something strange is going on there. The wife and daughter go missing.

Review: Ray Monroe, his wife Jaonne en their daughter Peri are on a trip to their family for Thanksgiving. On the way there, Peri falls and fractures her arm. They race to the nearest hospital, but something strange is going on there. And when Peri is taken away for further tests, she and Joanna disappear.
I’m always in the mood for a good, strong thriller. And when it’s set in a place you would rather not find yourself, like a hospital, in only adds to the creepy atmosphere. This production is perfect for the darker times of the year, for fall and winter. “Fractured” is a grey toned film, which makes the film darker as well.
When you’re watching “Fractured” you really have to pay attention to detail. Nothing is what it seems and you don’t not truth from fiction anymore. Sam Worthington leads this film and does a really good job.
“Fractured” is your typical ‘edge-on-your-seat kind of thriller, with and ending you don’t see coming.

Rating: 3,5/ 5

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