zaterdag 2 november 2019

Movie Reviews - Tell Me Who I Am

Director: Ed Perkins
Genre: Documentary
Runtime: 85 minutes
Year: 2019
Starring: Alex Lewis, Marcus Lewis

Description: What if every memory that haunts you could be erased? What if something truly horrific had happened to you and the person who loves you most could wipe that from your mind? Would you want them to? This is the ethical dilemma that 18-year-old Marcus Lewis faced when his identical twin Alex awakened after a motorcycle accident and Marcus was the only person Alex recognized. With no memories at all, Alex relied entirely on his brother as he tried to understand who he was. Working from an autobiography by the twins, Perkins and the Lewis brothers craft a powerfully cinematic adaptation that helps the audience explore their incredible story and remarkable 35-year post-accident journey. It's a profoundly moving examination of memory and trauma, personal responsibility and, ultimately, love.

Review: “Tell Me Who I Am” is a touching documentary that tells the story of two brothers and a dark family secret.
Marcus and Alex are twins. Alex gets into a motorcycle accident at age 18. When he wakes up, Alex has no memory. He doesn’t know who he is, who is family is, what happened in his life. The only one he instantly recognizes is his twin brother Marcus. He asks Marcus to give him back his memories.
Marcus tells him everything is great and how they went on summer vacations as a family. What Alex doesn’t know, is that the truth is very different. Out of protection of his brother, Marcus decides to tell Alex only the nice memories and not tell him about the painful and dark past. But this act of love has consequences.
Alex tries to build his life back up, but it’s based on lies. What if Alex finds out the truth and what does this with his identity? “Tell Me Who I Am” brings up a lot of questions from a psychological perspective. Themes like lies, trust, dark family secrets and start your life over after a trauma are all present. Was it okay for Marcus to lie to his brother? What would you have done? What happens when Alex finds out the truth? And what will it do to their relationship as brothers?
The film is told from three perspectives. It starts with Alex side of the story. Then we switch to Marcus. And the third act features both of them, confronting each other with their past. Especially the third act of the film is really strong. The documentary is no feel-good film, but definitely worth your time.

Rating: 3,5/ 5

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