maandag 18 november 2019

Movie Reviews - Western Stars

Director: Thom Zimny, Bruce Springsteen
Genre: Documentary/ Music
Runtime: 83 minutes
Year: 2019
Starring: Bruce Springsteen, Patti Scialfa

Description: Live concert performance of Bruce Springsteen singing songs from his album “Western Stars”

Review: Bruce Springsteen, “The Boss”, is back with his 19th album, “Western Stars”. In this documentary he plays all the songs live, accompanied with stories from his life.
Springsteen is a great storyteller. His songs are stories about middle class, love, dreamers and everyday life. And everyone can find a song that speaks to them. We also know him as someone that speaks up in society, like we heard on “The Rising”.
“Western Stars” has a different sound, but it’s still Springsteen. It’s richer in instruments, because there is a complete orchestra present. And it has a film-like character.
“Western Stars” is a beautiful album, where Springsteen put his heart and soul in and bares it for us all to see and hear. ‘Chasin’ Wild Horses’ is a blueprint for the album and makes you feel melancholic. ‘Sundown’ and ‘There Goes My Miracle’ have more tempo. But mostly this is a very modest and timid album. With ‘Hitch Hikin’ and ‘Western Stars’ as the highlights.
I love this album, filled with melancholia. And the way he has a story for each of the songs, which he tells so beautifully, makes this a documentary unforgettable. The shots are amazing and the songs are all wonderful. Springsteen is 70, but still filled with energy and inspiration.

Rating: 4,5/ 5

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