vrijdag 3 januari 2020

TV Show Review - You (Season 2)

Season: 2
Genre: Thriller/ Drama
Number of episodes: 10
Year: 2019
Starring: Pen Badgley, Victoria Pedretti, Amby Childers, Jenna Ortega, James Scully, Carmela Zumbado

Description: A dangerously charming, intenstly obsessive young man (Penn Badgley) goes to extreme measures to insert himself into lives of those he is transfixed by.

Review: After a year of absence, we can again enjoy the creepy and well-thought out plans of stalker Joe. And this second season doesn’t disappoint when it comes to bloodcurdling tension and unexpected twists.
After the exciting cliffhanger of season one, where Joe’s ex Candace suddenly appears in front of him in the bookstore, it’s waiting for our friend’s new plan. Candace only wants one thing: revenge, but Joe is not going to let that happen. Joe, now Will Bettleheim, moves to Los Angeles. Who is going to be his next victim? Beck is dead and he doesn’t want to have anything to do with Candace. Nobody thinks he will change, although he lets us believe he wants to. But from the start of this season it’s cleat he never will, when he meets Love (I know, ridiculous name).
Penn Badgley, who plays Joe/ Will, does it again. You don’t want to, but somehow you can sympathize with him. Especially when you find out how his parents used to treat him and how he wants to protect the young Ellie, who lives next door. But at the same time those moments alternate well with the events when you look at him again with suspicion. You never know with Joe/ Will around. This makes this season, like its first, very binge-worthy. Even with the sickening scenes where he is dismembering a body or loses his own finger.
Some episode might be a little too long to stay interesting, but the great thins about “You” is that you look forward to each new episode. Every single episode has a little twist. And I’m not even talking about that big twist at the end, that even I didn’t see coming.
I didn’t think it was possible, but “You” managed to be just as captivating as its first season. Although not every episode is equally as strong, there is enough good material. Pen Badgley manages to convince again as Joe/ Will. It’s a season filled with tension and a creepy atmosphere and one hell of a twist at the end. Badgley already confirmed there is going to be a third season and the last scene sort of hints to it too. So I’m in!

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