dinsdag 25 februari 2020

TV Show Review - The Sinner (Season 1)

Season: 1
Genre: Thriller/ Drama/ Crime
Number of episodes: 8
Year: 2017
Starring: Jessica Biel, Bill Pullman, Christopher Abbott, Dohn Norwood

Description: While are the beach with her husband and son, Cora Tannetti (Jessica Biel), for reasons unknown, stabs a beachgoer to death, sparking a police investigation.

Review: Sometimes man’s psyche is underestimated. In a number of unstable people, one wrong moment or wrong event can turn into drama. Unfortunately, this is often pointed out to us often enough. However, it turns out more often that such a person had already had something more on his mind and had done something terrible before. The things that get under your skin the most are often only the people who didn’t even have a criminal record for their attempt at destruction. These cases grab you extra hard, because you are so curious what drove those people to their deed. “The Sinner” tells exactly such a story.
The story follows Cora Tannetti. A happily married woman and mother of son Laine. Her life doesn’t feel perfect, but it does it for her. A day at the beach with the family only turns out to be a complete reversal. This seemingly normal mother stabs a young man to death in broad daylight, in the presence of many beach visitors. Of course, Cora is arrested by the police and the case seems to be closed. Nevertheless, detective Harry Ambrose want to know more about Cora’s motive. As it turns out, this doesn’t seem to be there at all. Cora did not know the man. She doesn’t know why she did what she did. This obvious murder case turns out to be much more complex than initially thought. The killer is known, but what’s the motive?
“The Sinner” triggered me when I saw the trailer, as this felt like a crime series with a completely different twist. As a viewer, you witness the murder. So it’s not a whodunit, where they are looking for the killer. It’s more of a search for why it happened. And the first episode really sets the tone for the series. The murder is depicted very graphically and if you’re not used to blood and violence on TV, it will hit you extra hard.
Jessica Biel deserves a lot of credit for her role as Cora. It’s not an easy role to play and she really brings the character to life.
After this shocking first episode, which was very strong, it could only go downhill. I was afraid they couldn’t keep that same high level of intensity. And although you think you get the answers to why Cora did what she did pretty early on in the series, nothing is exactly what it seems. A lot of plot twists and character shifts occur along the way. The eventual climax isn’t very surprising, I had a prediction earlier on in the series. But the way they handled the story and they worked towards that end, was creative enough to keep me interested.
“The Sinner” is a good crime thriller, which I watched in one sitting. I was invested the entire time, even though the eventual climax wasn’t the biggest surprise of the series.

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