donderdag 9 april 2020

10s Movie Review - Juliet, Naked

Director: Jesse Peretz
Genre: Comedy/ Drama
Runtime: 97 minutes
Year: 2018
Starring: Rose Byrne, Ethan Hawke, Chris O’Dowd

Description: Annie (Rose Byrne) starts a unlikely transatlantic romance with once revered, now faded, singer-songwriter Tucker Crowe (Ethan Hawke), who also happens to be the subject of Annie’s boyfriend Duncan’s (Chris O’Dowd) musical obsession.


Review: The novels of British author Nick Hornby have been the source of many unconventional romantic comedies for a while. Look at movies like “Fever Pitch”, “High Fidelity” and “About a Boy”. In those stories, the focus was on the man. For “Juliet, Naked” Hornby chose a female lead. Annie is a British museum curator and is seemingly living a good life. But she feels a bit trapped in her relationship with Duncan. It’s not a loveless relationship, but Annie does feel she always comes second. Her boyfriend Duncan is completely obsessed by American musician Tucker Crowe. 25 years ago Tucker release the album “Juliet”, which wasn’t successful and he disappeared as an artist. Duncan started a website dedicated to Tucker Crowe and his obsession grows by the day.
Annie doesn’t mind Tucker’s music, but she is kind of sick of Duncan idolizing the man blindly. When a demo version of Tucker’s only album is send to Duncan, called Juliet, Naked, Annie opens the package and listens to the album. Before Duncan hears it and he is furious about it. Duncan, off course, loves the album and posts it on his website. Annie responds with a more negative opinion. And no other then Tucker Crowe himself sends Annie an e-mail that he agrees. They start to chat online and seem to get along very well.
“Juliet, Naked’ works as a light comedic drama that mainly leans on the performances of the leading actors, the sharp humor and the creative wat that the usual Hornby themes are mixed up. Like Annie finding another type of childish adult in Tucker Crowe. The type that always follows his impulses. In his case, it resulted in five children with four different women and two continents and a music career that never got successful. And sensible Annie having to deal with this is makes for a fun film. And what I also always loved about all of Hornby’s stories: they are never sugar sweet and over-sentimental.
“Juliet, Naked” is another fun adaption from author Nick Hornby, that is definitely worth watching.

Rating: 3,5/ 5

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