vrijdag 3 april 2020

Best "Friends' Episodes

Since everyone is at home, binge-watching their favorite TV-shows, I decided to make a list of the best episodes of, what probably is, America’s favorite sitcom: “Friends”. And when you have ten season to go through and so many episodes to choose from, it’s a lot of work. Here is what I think are the 10 best episodes of “Friends”.

10. The One with All the Resolutions (Season 5, Episode 11)
The friends all have new year’s resolutions that they want to stick to. Like Chandler trying to stop joking and Rachel not gossiping. Ross decides to do one new thing every day in 1999. Like for instance, wearing leather pants to a date. It eventually becomes to hot, so while still on the date and going to the bathroom, he can’t get the pants back on since it’s to sweaty and sticky.

9. The One Where Ross Got High (Season 6, Episode 9)
Thanksgiving episodes of “Friends” were always a treat. And it don’t mean because Rachel made a memorable (yet terrible) trifle. Ross and Monica’s parents visit and they never really seem to like Chandler, because they think he got high once. When it was actually Ross.

8. The One with Unagi (Season 6, Episode 17)
Ross is at his best when he is neurotic and silly. So comes his dedication to Unagi, a state of total awareness. He tries to teach Rachel and Phoebe this by scaring them, so they learn they have to be aware of danger at all times.

7. The One with the Prom Video (Season 2, Episode 14)
This episode is a flashback. The gang watches a video of when Monica, Rachel and Ross were getting ready for prom. And Rachel finds out that Ross did a really sweet thing for her.

6. The One with the Blackout (Season 1, Episode 7)
An oldie but a goodie. When the power goes out across the city, the romantic setting persuades Ross to tell Rachel how he feels, be then there is Paolo. And Chandler is trapped in ATM vestibule with a famous model and thinks gum is perfection.

5.The One with the Football ( Season 3, Episode 9)
One of the many Thanksgiving episodes. It digs deeper into the rivalry that Ross and Monica always had, when the gang is playing a game of football.

4. The One with the Jellyfish (Season 4, Episode 1)
Now it’s hard to imaging, but there was a time where we were totally excited about whether Ross would stay with his current bald girlfriend Bonnie or get back together with Rachel. The last wins, after writing Ross a 18 page letter (FRONT AND BACK!) in where he takes full responsibility for what happened (we were on a break!). And then there is the subplot of Monica being stung by a jellyfish and that Chandler has to pee on her leg.

3. The One Where Everybody Finds Out (Season 5, Episode 14)
The episode where everybody already knows that Monica and Chandler are dating, but they don’t admit it yet. Phoebe and Rachel set up a plan where Chandler eventually has to admit, by letting Phoebe go out with Chandler and seducing him.

2. The One where No One’s Ready (Season 3, Episode 2)
Ross has an important event from work and all the friend are coming. But no one is ready. Ross is trying, but Joey and Chandler are having an argument about a chair. Monica is listening to Richard’s messages and overhears one of a woman. Phoebe messes up her dress and Rachel doesn’t know what to wear. And the clock is ticking. I’m definitely Ross in this situation, I hate being late.

1. The One with the Embryos (Season 4, Episode 12)
Forget about the embryos, this episodes is about the quiz. Rachel and Monica are sick of Joey and Chandler’s chicken (who turns ou to be a rooster) and duck. In a bet where Chandler and Joey think they know the girls better then they know them, they decide to have a quiz. Ross creates it and the stakes are high: If Rachel and Monica win, the duck and chick will leave. If Chandler and Joey win, they get the girl’s apartment. I’ve seen this episode so many times, I know every single question, answer and response.

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