zondag 5 april 2020

TV Characters Everyone Loves

Each TV show has a character you dislike, you relate to, that makes you laugh the hardest. And there is always a character that you like the most. But there are also those characters that everybody just loves, and you simply can’t hate him or her. Here is a lost of those we all love and we can’t help it.

Joey Tribbiani (“Friends”)
Joey might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he’s not just a pretty actor that knows how to get girls. Somehow his love for sandwiches is relatable, he is reliable since he is probably the only one on “Friends” that can actually keep a secret, he is sentimental, selfless and he would do anything for his friends.

Dean Winchester (“Supernatural”)
Aside from him being an absolute perfection of a man with endless charm, there are many other reasons why we all love Dean Winchester. He is incredibly caring, has a great taste in music, he’s a badass and can I mention his love for his brother Sam. Isn’t that just every woman’s dream?

Tyrion Lannister (“Game of Thrones”)
Even though Tyrion is only 4’5, he could easily kick your ass. He even embraces the fact that he is an imp. As Tyrion states himself: he drinks and he knows things. In fact, he would drink you under the table. And even when people think he is just a drunk, he can make one hell of speech to charm a lady or to cheat death. With that, Tyrion is without a doubt the smartest person on the show and he doesn’t need dragons. Because his weapon is wit and intelligence.

Daryl Dixon (“The Walking Dead”)
Aside from Daryl being the most badass person you will ever meet, I would definitely stick with him during a zombie outbreak. He has some serious survival skills. And although Daryl is super badass, he is a very chill person. Laid back, even a bit of an introvert you might say. Daryl is also very loyal and would do anything to keep the ones he loves save. In the groups he often functions as the voice of reason. He doesn’t want unnecessary deaths and he believes in saving everyone he can. Oh, and he knows how to work a crossbow.

Dustin Henderson (“Stranger Things”)
While at first sight, Dustin might look like the geeky outsider, he is definitely the smartest one of the bunch. Dustin is nothing if not whip-smart: while other fumble around for explanations, he draws on his scientific knowledge to point our crucial details. When you thought Dustin is only the goofy sidekick, think again. He is the most important member of the gang, their emotional glue as well as the only one who knows how a compass actually works. And yes, he is a nerd, and proud of it. Dustin is sensitive, but never weak and simply an amazing kid.

Jake Peralta (“Brooklyn Nine-Nine”)
Jake Peralta has a great sense of humor, which is obvious. But he can also kick some serious ass, is romantic, kind-hearted and basically the moral compass of the Nine-Nine.

Marshall Eriksen (“How I Met Your Mother”)
He has quite a unique relationship with Lily and he is the best friend. Definitely the best of the bunch. Let’s face it: we all want a friend like Marshall. And I know he is a lawyer, whom are mostly douchebags, but Marshall is the exception on this rule. Because he actually cares about the causes he fights for. His imagination can get crazy at times and he is a die hard “Star Wars” fan, but those things make me love Marshall even more.

Kimmy Schmidt (“Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”)
Kimmy is first and foremost a loveable, cute and enthusiast young woman. Half the stuff that come out of her mouth make no sense, and the other half is 15 years out of date. But her endless optimism and self-confidence makes up for all that.

Jesse Pinkman (“Breaking Bad”)
Sure he cooks meth, but it’s not hard to like Jesse despite of this. And it’s also not very hard to miss those gorgeous eyes. Jesse shows flashes of genius and makes the team with his partner Walter White complete this way. He is unpredictable, sensitive and even though he deals drugs Jesse often wants to do what’s right. Jesse feels like a real person.

Abed Nadir (“Community”)
If I wanted one of the characters on this list to be my roommate, I want it to be Abed. I know, he is different and a bit weird, but he knows it. And that alone is what makes Abed such a great person. He is who he is and is never ashamed of it. He is incredibly patient, he constantly quotes and refers to movies and TV shows, he is an optimist, he turns into a child during Christmas and he is a great friend. And I just realized I’m all of the above….

Cosmo Kramer (“Seinfeld”)
His friends refer to him as just Kramer. Kramer is generally caring, friendly and kind-hearted. He often goes out of his way to help total strangers, and tries to get his friends to also help others and to do the right thing even when they don’t want to. He is confident in his own unique way. Kramer can also be neurotic, but overall is a quirky guy with strange ideas.

Sophia Petrillo (“The Golden Girls”)
Sophia is best known for her wisecracks. Often commenting on Dorothy’s unmarried state, Blanche’s promiscuity and Rose’s cluelessness. However despite her sharp criticism of her daughter and roommates, she loves and cares for them deeply.

Sheldon Cooper (“Big Bang Theory”)
Okay, he is self-centered, annoying and rude. But still we all love Sheldon so much. Well, first, he is honest. He says what’s on his mind and lying clearly makes him uncomfortable. He doesn’t understand sarcasm, is always polite enough to knock on a door instead of barging in and he always stands by his believes no matter what anyone says.

Eric Effiong (“Sex Education”)
Eric is an openly gay black guy in a small English town. I think a lot of people can relate to Eric in some way. He always wants to try and be friends with everyone he meets, he is charming and funny and is hardly ever ashamed of who he really is. And definitely not afraid to show it. Eric is a very inspiring character.

Christina Yang (“Grey’s Anatomy”)
Christina is a brilliant mind and not afraid to let everyone know about it. She knows what her priorities are, she will beat you at your own game, she thinks ahead, gives the best advice and is a very loyal friend. Although it sometimes feels like Christina has no emotions, she does, but she never lets them get in the way of what she wants.

Leslie Knope (“Parks & Recreation”)
Leslie has a range of loveable traits. First of all, she founded Galentine’s Day, which is perfect for those women who hate Valentine’s Day and just want to celebrate friendships. Lesie is a supporter of local businesses, she is half of a great power couple, a role model, a feminist and she believes in herself. But most of all Leslie is an optimist and a fantastic friend.

Jim Halpert (“The Office”)
Jim is your ‘everyman’, the charming guy working a mediocre job. Most importantly, Jim plays the straight man to comical unknowingly politically incorrect but well-meaning and loveable boss Michael Scott. We all love Jim’s pranks (which are really good btw), he is a romantic (probably the perfect husband) and we all have a little bit of Jim Halpert in us.

Hugo “Hurley” Reyes (“Lost”)
First of all, everyone on the show loved Hurley, so I am not wrong. He looks like your standard comical relief and the most unlikely hero. Hurley is a loveable, kind-hearted man who just wants to help everyone.

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