maandag 25 mei 2020

10s Movie Review - Audrie & Daisy

Director: Bonnie Cohen, Jon Shenk
Genre: Documentary
Runtime: 95 minutes
Year: 2016
Starring: Audrie Pott, Daisy Coleman, Charles Coleman, Melinda Coleman, Ella Fairon, Holly Fairon, Jim Fall, Delaney Henderson, Paige Parkhurst, Lawrence Pott

Description: A loot at the effects that online bullying has on the lives of teenagers and their community.

Review: “Audrie & Daisy” focuses on teenage girls that dealt with sexual assault and the effects it had on the online community. We see how several girls in that age group deal with the aftermath.
Audrie Pott is one of them. At a party she is the victim of sexual assault and pranks. Some of the kids think it’s funny to draw on Audrie with a sharpie, while she is unconscious. But it’s not some innocent practical joke, because even the private areas of her body get drawn on. When the news spreads fast on the internet and via texts and videos of the incident circle the internet, Audrie can’t handle all the hate she’s getting and commits suicide.
In California Daisy suffered a similar incident, around the same time as Audrie. Together with her friend Paige they hang out with some older boys and they both get sexually assaulted while being intoxicated. Daisy deals with it differently. She changes her looks and hides behind that. But she ultimately starts talking to other girls around the country that been in a similar situation.
Internet bullying is the most dangerous form of bullying out there, since it’s difficult to find where it all started and it’s even more difficult to make it stop. And it’s hard to control for parents, since they do not always see what their kids are doing online. But it spreads so fast and kids that age can be extremely mean. Many people don’t even realize what a seemingly innocent prank or joke can do to a person, especially when the people think they are invisible to the person they’re doing it do. And since everyone is doing it, why not tag along. But as this documentary shows, it’s not without consequence and it has different effects on different people. Audrie kills herself because she couldn’t take it anymore and there are many Audries out there.
It's a small documentary, with a big impact. This is the type of film that schools should show so kids get more aware of the effects bullying has on someone. And that if something like this happens to you, you should report it and talk about it with an adult.
“Audrie & Daisy” is a good documentary that will have an impact. Very brave of the girls that were in this film to tell their stories.

Rating: 3,5/ 5

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