donderdag 7 mei 2020

Best "Star Wars" Characters

Since we celebrated Star Wars day on May 4th, I came up with the idea to list the best characters from the franchise. The characters on the list can be from all the Star Wars episodes, the spin-off films or TV series. Here are, what in my opinion are, the best characters in the “Star Wars” universe.

20. Kylo Ren
Born as Ben Solo, the son of Han and Leia, he was send to Luke Skywalker to become a Jedi. Because Han is afraid Ben has too much of his grandfather in him. Ben turns to the Dark Side of the Force, under the influence of Supreme Leader Snoke, but lacks the self-confidence to properly wield it. He is still struggling with his position.

19. Boba Fett
Boba Fett is an important character in the Star Wars saga. He is a clone of bounty hunter Jango Fett. Boba Fett becomes a bounty hunter, who we see working for Jabba the Hutt and Darth Vader. It’s actually a bit weird why Boba Fett is such a popular character, since he was barely in the original trilogy. But he’s an intergalactic bounty hunter with a cool armor and a rocket launcher. Need I say more?

18. K-2SO
Also called K or K-2, he is originally a Security Droid for the Empire, but was reprogrammed by Cassian Andor to work for the Rebellion. With that, he doesn’t obey as well, but combines it with wit and strength.

17. Darth Maul
He is definitely a man of few words. This Sith Lord with a double-bladed lightsaber made “The Phantom Menace” worth watching. Darth Maul radiates pure evil, even feeling comfortable in his own skin where he’s not hiding his face with a cloak or mask.

16. The Emperor
One of the greatest crooks and villains the Republic has ever known. For years he carried out his nefarious plans. He eliminates Jedi and the Republic and seizes power himself. He becomes a Sith Lord and his most important companion becomes Darth Vader. The Emperor, also known as Palpatine and Darth Sidious, is a tyrant and a dictator.

15. Poe Dameron
Poe is a leading X-Wing pilot during the war against the First Order. He and his droid BB-8 were send, by Leia, to retrieve information about Luke’s whereabouts. Poe is courageous, kind, rebellious and daring. Poe embodies Star Wars cool.

14. Rey
With a new trilogy, Star Wars needed a new hero to focus on. And this hero has the name Rey. She lives on Jakku and is a scavenger, in search for useful materials she can sell. When she meets droïd BB-8, she comes in contact with Finn. Eventually Rey starts a search for Luke Skywalker and she finds out she is more powerful then she thought. Her special bond with Ben Solo, aka Kylo Ren, makes it harder for Rey to control her powers and not choose the dark side of the Force.

13. Lando Calrissian
Lando Calrissian is a professional gambler, entrepreneur, smuggler and general at various points. He won the Millennium Falcon, but later lost it to Han Solo. They are friends, help each other out, but not without constant mutual trust. Lando mostly acts out of self-interest, but redeems himself.

12. Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi personifies the patience, wisdom and discipline required to harness the force. He is very cautious when bringing Luke along, since Luke’s father Anakin went to the dark side and Obi-Wan still carries regret for his failure with Anakin.

11. Luke Skywalker
Even though Han Solo is the favorite for most Star Wars fans, Luke Skywalker is the original trilogies actual hero. He goes through the most change over the course of events, going from a simple man to one of the most powerful Jedi that ever lived. Luke is temperamental and compassionate and he is always doubting if he’s using his powers for the best. He is on the brink of turning to the dark side, but eventually chose the Force.

10. R2-D2
Who would’ve thought that a robot just going bleep-bloop would win over our hearts. R2-D2 is Luke Skywalker’s wingman and the one delivering an important message to him, from Leia. With all these people around you, R2-D2 is probably the most certain thing you can rely on.

9. BB-8
Somehow BB-8 makes metal feel cuddly. He was an instant favorite when he first appeared in the new trilogy. And I can see why, since he is, like R2-D2, very loyal, helpful and somehow really funny.

8. Princess Leia
Luke and Han may be the central heroes in the original trilogy, but it’s Leia who provides its heart. Which doesn’t mean she isn’t capable with a blaster. And what’s so great about her love story with Han is that it feels like a relationship of equals. The two strongest-willed people in the galaxy realizing they’re nuts about one another. Leia eventually becomes the leader of the Rebellion, truly a woman to look up too.

7. Mando
No name, but because he is a Mandalorian they call him Mando. He is a lone-wolf mercenary with a big heart. He protects the ones who need it. As it turns out, Mando is one of the most complex characters in the Star Wars universe. We got to know him more intimately over an entire season of episodes than most of the characters in the entire movie series.

6. Darth Vader
Even though Darth Vader is the protagonist in the series, he is probably the character that everyone knows even if you haven’t seen any of the films. Darth Vader, born as Anakin Skywalker, was one of the greatest Jedi who ever lived. He converted to the dark side of the force and joins the Sith. And once he becomes Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker dies.

5. Chewbacca
Chewbacca, known as Chewie for friends, is Han Solo’s companion and co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon. He is a powerful warrior and a crucial role player. And even though we don’t understand a word he says and everyone in the Star Wars universe does, it makes him even more loveable. He looks like this tall and fierce animal, but he is in fact the biggest softie at heart. His anguished cry when Han Solo gets pulled into carbonite hits every nerve in our bodies.

4. C-3PO
Although he can somewhat be a bit annoying at times (he talks A LOT), C-3PO is the droid you need on your journey. Besides being fluid in over six million forms of communication, he has a moral compass and will stay loyal to his master in every situation, even though he isn’t adventurous himself. C-3PO forms an incredible duo with R2-D2 and their constant bickering is something we all love.

3. The Child
Also known as Baby Yoda, The Child won over everyone’s heart and made us all go awwww. And he isn’t only the cutest, The Child is probably the most important character in “The Mandalorian” TV series. Since everything revolves around him and is special powers.

2. Yoda
Yoda is a Jedi knight and is widely regarded as the embodiment of justice. In terms of wisdom, Yoda was the strongest Jedi ever. His reputation as the strongest Jedi master is well-deserved because of the large number of Jedi knights he has trained, like Luke Skywalker, Mace Windu and Count Dooku. Like most mentors, he doesn’t make it easy for his pupils, expecting them to figure out things on their own.

1. Han Solo
Han Solo is a classic libertarian with a heart of gold. The scoundrel-turned rebel leader is probably not the most unique character, but he comes across as a real human being. He has good qualities such as courage and camaraderie, but also has weaknesses in how he deals with rules and laws and how he can be smug. Han’s friendship with Chewbacca is endearing and his love for Leia is enviable.

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