dinsdag 9 juni 2020

Movie Review - The Postcard Killings

Director: Danis Tanovic
Genre: Thriller/ Crime/ Drama
Runtime: 104 minutes
Year: 2020
Starring: Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Famke Janssen, Cush Jumbo

Description: New York detective Jacob Kanon (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) investigates the death of his daughter who was murdered while on her honeymoon in London, he recruits the help of a Scandinavian journalist (Cush Jumbo) when other couples throughout Europe suffer similar fate.

Review: “The Postcard Killings” is based on the crime thriller novel “The Postcard Killers” by Liza Marklund and James Patterson. Great source material, since it’s a very good and strong thriller novel. Sadly they didn’t use it well.
We meet Jakob Kanon, a New York detective, who has to identify his daughter and her newly-wed husband when they’re both laying in the autopsy table. Both were brutally mutilated before being murdered, while honeymooning in London. It has connections with another murder in Rome, that happened earlier. The murderer leaves a postcard in the city he will strike next. Since the authorities aren’t working with him, Jakob takes the matter in his own hands and recruits the help of a journalist.
The story is very interesting and the base of a, what could be, chilling thriller. But the script doesn’t really flow. That’s also a craft, to butcher such great source material. Director Danis Tanovic had all the elements for a great thriller, but managed to create a dull, predictable and very forgettable film with no tension whatsoever. Jeffrey Dean Morgen is okay, but does the best with what he has got.
I think authors Marklund and Patterson regret giving away the rights to adapt the film. This story would be in better hands with directors like Denis Villeneuve or David Fincher. A huge disappointment

Rating: 2 / 5

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