donderdag 16 juli 2020

Movies You Expected to Love, but Hated

I recently made a list of movies I expected to hate, but then I loved them (check it out HERE). We can spin that around too. There have been movies that we all thought would be great, movies we would most definitely love and we were super excited about. And then it turns out they are not that good end we end up hating them. Here is a list of films that I expected to love, but hated.

Ma (2019)
I was so intrigued by the trailer and couldn’t wait to see “Ma”. I love Octavia Spencer and she was the only good part of this film. The characters make the dumbest decisions, I don’t understand why someone like Allison Janney is in it (since the only thing she does it telling Spencer’s character to do her job, literally) and this film was never scary or tense.

Suicide Squad (2016)
The biggest disappointment of the past ten years, for sure. The whole world was excited to see it. And we were all let down. Thank goodness for Margot Robbie’s portrayal of Harley Quinn, she was the only redeeming factor in the entire film. I don’t even know what’s up with Jared Leto’s version of Joker. I know everyone has a different interpretation of this character, but Joker looked like a pimp! No, very disappointing.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
Indiana Jones is one of my favorite movie characters of all-time and him coming back after so many years was just the best news. It even brought back Karen Allen and director Steven Spielberg. Well, that wasn’t a guarantee for a good movie. Because “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” is definitely not a good movie. I liked the comradery between Indy and Mutt, but the CGI is terrible and I simply wasn’t as invested in the story as I was in the previous three.

Movie 43 (2013)
Based on the cast alone, I thought this couldn’t go wrong. Think about, actors like Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Emma Stone, Naomi Watts and Halle Berry are in this, among many many others. It’s a film with interconnected short stories, with several insane and ridiculous stories. For example ( and I’m not making this up), here are some of the stories in this film. A single woman going on a date with the most eligible bachelor, who just happens to have a pair of testicles dangling under his chin. A couple that tries to spies up their relationship, when one of them asks the other to poop on them. And a truth or dare game that goes as far as undergoing extreme plastic surgery. Yeah, it turned out to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

The Monuments Men (2014)
Directed by George Clooney, starring him together with Matt Damon, Bill Murray and John Goodman. Can’t go wrong, right? Well, it did. And this is by no means a bad movie, it’s just very boring and misses humor and adventure. So sad, because I really wanted it to be great.

Aloha (2015)
A recent disappointment. I saw the cast. It had three of my favorites in it: Emma Stone, Rachel McAdams and Bill Murray. And I love Jon Krasinski. It lacks logic and meaning and it drags. You can’t blame the cast, it’s just a really bad script.

Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Spider-Man is one of the most beloved superheroes of all-time, he really deserved better. The first film and especially the second film in this trilogy did really well and lived up to our expectations. “Spider-Man 3” simply didn’t and it’s really bad. Don’t even get me started on emo Peter Parker and his cringeworthy dance moves.

The Greatest Showman (2017)
Before you get your panties in a twist, I don’t think “The Greatest Showman” is a bad movie. Not at all, I actually like it to some point. And I love the music. But them together just didn’t work for me. The time period and the modern music just didn’t work together and I was very disappointed after seeing it for the first time. I gave it a second watch, but felt the same. It just didn’t feel right.

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