zaterdag 11 juli 2020

Oldies Review - Mad Max

Director: George Miller
Genre: Action/ Drama/ Adventure/ Science Fiction
Runtime: 93 minutes
Year: 1979
Starring: Mel Gibson, Joanne Samuel, Hugh Keays-Byrne, Steve Bisley, Tim Burns, Roger Ward, Lisa Aldenhoven, David Bracks, Bertrand Cadart, David Cameron, Robina Chaffey, Stephen Clark, Mathew Constantine, Jerry Day, Reg Evans.

Description: In a self-destructing world, a vengeful Australian policeman (Mel Gibson) sets out to stop a violent motorcycle gang.

Review: The then unknown Mel Gibson plays Max, an agent of the special unit who, after a fallout, stops criminals and motorcycle gangs. In a spectacular opening scene, the cold-blooded Max mercilessly deals with the ruthless criminal Nightrider and that puts bad blood between im and the motorcycle gang led by the insane Toecutter. Toecutter and his followers seek revenge and soon they open the hunt for Max and his buddies.
When Max’ god friend Goose ends up in the hospital, Max realizes that the police unit is no longer in control and he decides to take a break to sort everything out. But when his wife and son are murdered by Toecutter and his gang, Max is determined to return to the unit and avenge his family. A sensational chase with a fatal outcome in the forbidden area is the result.
Director and screenwriter George Miller created a violent action film set in a post-apocalyptic landscape in Australia. The film contains hardly any dialogue, convincing acting and surprising plot twists, but the explicit images of the wasteland, the bizarre crimes of Toecutter’s gang and the excessive violence appeal to the imagination. And with only a runtime of 93 minutes, “Mad Max” is an great watch with not a dull moment in sight.

Rating: 3,5 / 5

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