zaterdag 15 augustus 2020

10s Movie Review - Hostage to the Devil

Director: Marty Stalker
Genre: Documentary
Runtime: 90 minutes
Year: 2016
Starring: Malachi Martin, Eugene O’Neil, Robert Blair Kaisler, Robert Marro, Lisa Karpf, Suzanne Pearson, Kathy Mylott, Lorraine Warren, Jimmy Petonito, Art Bell, Ralph Sarchie, Laurene Gomez, Matt Baglio, Cesar Ignacio Truqui, Edward McNamara, John Zaffis

Description: A child possesses. An exorcist locked in combat with an ancient evil. In the battle for saving a soul, just who really is the hostage of the devil?

Review: “Hostage to the Devil” is a documentary about the famous Irish priest Malachi Martin, who was also a writer and exorcist. In the Catholic Church, exorcism is a special ritual that can only be performed by a qualified priest. Its purpose is the liberation of a person possessed by a demonic power. Exorcism presupposes the existence of Satan Martin warned that the devil would penetrate the highest regions of the Vatican.
You could look at it like a fake documentary, then this wouldn’t be so bad. Because in terms of tension it’s pretty thickened and the people we meet are all dead serious. But, this is not a mockumentary, it’s a serious documentary. The stories of the interviewees aren’t very convincing. Probably it’s the theme, since I’m not a religious person. And all the ‘evidence’ we get isn’t tangible. It’s just people talking about their experiences with Malachi Martin and we get to see some obscured footage of exorcisms, where we really don’t get to see anything at all.
Of course I didn’t expect that this documentary would present us undeniable proof of the supernatural, but at least I wanted to see something that made me question it more. All this documentary is, is people who knew Martin and them talking about him. They somehow all worship him, when it’s very clear he was kind of a shady and vague person. This documentary tries to make him this epic hero, which he clearly wasn’t.
It is an interesting topic, the unknown always has a certain appeal. But it would have been more interesting if there was more research involved and we got to see both sides of the spectrum. This documentary eventually turned out to be very boring and uninteresting. Not at all what I expected from this film.

Rating: 2 / 5

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