dinsdag 25 augustus 2020

80s Movie Review - When Harry Met Sally...

Director: Rob Reiner
Genre: Comedy/ Romance
Runtime: 96 minutes
Year: 1989
Starring: Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Carrie Fisher, Bruno Kirby, Steven Ford, Lisa Jane Persky, Michelle Nicastro, Gretchen Palmer, Robert Alan Beuth, David Burdick, Joe Viviani, Harley Jane Kozak

Description: Harry (Billy Crystal) and Sally (Meg Ryan) have known each other for year, and are very good friends, but they fear sex would ruin their friendship.

Review: Harry and Sally meet for the first time when they travel to New York together. It doesn’t really click at first, but over the years they keep crossing paths and even become good friends. But Harry claims, during their first meeting, that men and women can’t be friends because one of them always ends up wanting to have sex with the other. Can Harry and Sally actually remain friends without sex being an issue?
“When Harry Met Sally” is one of the films that set the foundation for the modern romcom and one of the few in the genre that I can really appreciate and call a favorite. Because let’s be honest, most of them are sugar sweet and way too predictable. The film is famous for the scene in which Meg Ryan fakes an orgasm in a crowded restaurant and it’s one of the best scenes in a comedy, ever. Although it’s clearly a movie from the eighties, looking at the cloths and hair, the film is timeless and still holds up to date. “When Harry Met Sally” is a classic within the genre, it’s funny, romantic and has a big heart. Because the focus is on the comedy here, not the romance. And without absurd situations or sex jokes. It’s not sugar sweet, so it’s no your typical chick-flick. I can actually safely say that this is one of the few romantic comedies that men will also enjoy.
Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal are a great couple, they work well together and have great, believable chemistry. Even if you’re not a fan of romcom, this movie is a must-see. I have seen it over and over again and I generally dislike the genre, but this is actually one of my all-time favorite movies. It’s one of the best films made in the genre and it will always be.

Rating: 5/ 5

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