zaterdag 29 augustus 2020

TV Show Review - 13 Reasons Why (Season 3)

Season: 3
Genre: Drama/ Crime
Number of episodes: 13
Year: 2019
Starring: Dylan Minnette, Christian Navarro, Alisha Boe, Brandon Flynn, Justin Prentice, Ross Butler, Devin Druid, Amy Hargreaves, Miles Heizer, Timothy Granaderos, Mark Pellegrino, Grace Saif, Tom Everett Scott, Kate Walsh

Description: Bryce has disappeared, later to be found dead. He was killed. Everyone hated Bryce, but who killed him?

Review: If you read this review, I assume you have already seen the first two seasons. If not, be warned: THIS REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS!
We have already arrived at the penultimate season of “13 Reasons Why”. Season 4 will be the last season on Netflix. After seeing the third season, I’m not really sad about that. Not that it’s a bad season, but this season was not as good as the previous ones. It’s just one of those shows that started out with a bang and gets less and less with every season. A good choice to stop at four. Despite the fact that this third season didn’t turn out so well, there are still powerful, emotional scenes presents that make the series still worth a watch.
It is eight months after the events at the end of the second season. Clay was able to convince Tyler not to perform his planned horrific act. In addition, together with Tony, he made sure that the weapons Tyler possessed were dumped. Strangely enough, this season is not about the aftermath of the act of Tyler wanted to commit or the possible consequences of it. At least, it’s not the main story line. It’s about the murder of Bryce Walker.
Bryce Walker wasn’t very popular among his fellow students, to say the least. He was much hated Bryce raped at least three girls, including Hannah Baker and Jessica Davis. In the second season, Bryce went to jail, much to the dissatisfaction of Clay, Jessica and the rest. As said before, the student who caused so much misery is coming to his fatal end this season. The big question is, of course, who did it? And all characters have one of more reasons to want to hurt Bryce.
There is also the new student Ani, who soon befriends Clay. This characters is also the one who is narrating the story. In other words, we see the story unfold through her eyes. I think that’s a mistake. We don’t know Ani, she wasn’t in the first two seasons, but suddenly she seems to be the main character in this third season. This makes you feel a bit distant from the characters that we already know for a while.
That Bryce dies in this season, doesn’t make him absent. We see flashbacks, through stories that the characters tell. The show tried to make Bryce more ‘human’ this season, showing us why he is so damaged and how he can also be kind and good. But thankfully they are not just trying to redeem what he did, because this season also keeps reminding us of all the terrible things Bryce has done. Maybe Bryce would have been a better narrator for this season, instead of Ani.
As I said, Tyler’s storyline is not the main one. But I’m happy that it is present, since what happened to him in season 2 was horrible and needed to be talked about in this season. We see how it changes Tyler, but also how he gains friends and how that also changes him. This was my favorite storyline from the season and I really cared for Tyler very much. This also goes for Jessica, who decided not to stay silent and fight against the people who are like Bryce. We also shouldn’t forget about Alex, who tried to commit suicide in season 2. But this storyline is completely ignored in season 3. That I don’t understand.
“13 Reasons Why” may be less this season than the previous ones, but the series is still relevant. There is more going on in the lives of the students than we might think and their relationships are perhaps more complex than we suspect. The series still reflects well what can happen in the lives of young adults and that is not always cheerful. I think it’s good to think about that.
I will check out season 4, but I’m not exactly sure what direction it will go.

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