vrijdag 14 augustus 2020

TV Show Review - Watchmen (Season 1)

Season: 1
Genre: Mystery/ Action/ Science Fiction
Number of episodes: 9
Year: 2019
Starring: Regina King, Jeremy Irons, Jean Smart, Louis Gossett Jr. Don Johnson, Tim Blake Nelson, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, James Wolk

Description: Set in an alternate history where masked vigilantes are treated as outlaws.

Review: “Watchmen” started in the 1980s as a comic book. It was part of DC Comics, the publisher of “Superman”, “Batman” and “Wonder Woman”. Just like the aforementioned comics, “Watchmen” is about superheroes, their personal dramas and saving the world. It is therefore striking that the superheroes in “Watchmen” are not really ‘super’, they have no special powers (with of course Doctor Manhattan being the exception). Due to the popularity of the comics, a film was released in 2009. And now there is also a series, that takes place 34 years after. “Watchmen” begins mysteriously and is full of references to character from the comics. So when you start this series, it’s nice to read the comics or watch the film. It’s good to have some background info beforehand and make you understand many of the references a lot better. Few of the original Watchmen are left. In the beginning of the season it becomes immediately clear that a group of new masked heroes are active. Sister Night, played by Regina King, is introduced pretty early on in the series. Of the original Watchmen, only Adrian Veidt, also known as Ozymandias, played by Jeremy Irons, is still alive.
In addition to the masked heroes, the police now also wear masks. This is a measure that was introduced to protect the police from criminals who tracked down the officers in order to liquidate them and their families. Not everyone supports this measure, the FBI for example. In short, it’s not a good time to be a cop.
The series has a slow build-up and throughout the season it becomes more and more clear. I think that that is also the strength of this series. Each episode has a character on which the main focus is. That wat, the motivations of the characters become more clear and also why they have chosen to become a masked hero. At the end of the season, all the storylines come together and everything is clear. What is also very interesting about the series is that the gap of 34 years between the comic and the series is well filled and that there are even revelations through flashbacks that continue to fill events before the original comic.
Before I started watching this, I heard things. Mainly good things and they were right. I was invested in “Watchmen” right from the first episode. The cast is strong, it has a good story, is very well filmed and has an excellent soundtrack. In my opinion this is not a series that you can binge-watch, but that’s probably just me.
What I think is perhaps the best thing about the series is that it deals with subjects that used to be, and still are, topical. For example, the Vietnam War, the nuclear threats and discrimination. At the beginning of the season it becomes clear that a group is active, The Seventh Kavalry, which shows strong similarities with the Klu Klux Klan. Instead of a white robe, they wear a mask of one of the original Watchmen heroes: Rorschach.
Another interesting theme that fits well with present day is that mankind’s expectations can never be met. Nowadays people quickly have an opinion and want to express it. Heroes are under even more pressure because what they do is never enough or sufficient, even though they risk their lives for the common good of mankind.
I think the first season od “Watchmen” is very strong. It has a good structure, mystery, references to the original characters, good music, action, an amazing cast, is very beautifully filmed and it covers relevant themes. In addition, the series has a cliffhanger that can make a possible sequel very interesting. I’m in for another season.

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