zaterdag 8 mei 2021

80s Movie Review - Big Trouble in Little China

John Carpenter
Genre: Action/ Comedy/ Adventure/ Fantasy
Runtime: 99 minutes
Year: 1986
Starring: Kurt Russell, Kim Catrall, Dennis Dun, Victor Wong, James Hong, Kate Burton, Donald Li, Carter Wong, Peter Kwong, James Pax

Description: A rough-and-tumble trucker (Kurt Russell) helps rescue his friend’s fiancĂ©e from an ancient sorcerer in a supernatural battle beneath Chinatown.


Review: Jack Burton is a trucker who drives hi self-proclaimed and cherished “Pork Chop Express”, and imposing American truck with which he transports pigs to market. After Jack wins money from his friend Wang Chi, the owner of a restaurant in San Francisco’s Chinatown, he accompanies Wang to the airport and then collects the money. Wang has to go to the airport to pick up his future bride, from Beijing. Before the two reach her, however, she is kidnapped by an aggressive Chinese gang, the “Lords of Death”. When Jack’s truck is stolen he decides to help Wang find his bride. Thus Jack becomes involved in a mysterious quest in which he meets horrible monsters, sorcerers and flying hoodlums.
The script for “Big Trouble in Little China” was initially intended for the sequel to a cult classic: “Buckaroo Banzai”. When that project died and early death, John Carpenter showed interest. The whole thing was rewritten with a major role for Kurt Russell, who gets to show off his comedic talent as misguided anti-hero Jack Burton. The result is a somewhat strange mix of action, adventure, humor and Eastern mysticism and ancient Chinese legends. So don’t be surprised if all sorts of bizarre Power Ranger-like scenes unfold before your eyes, complete with strangely dressed bad guys who possess supernatural powers. Herein lies clearly the charm of the film. “Big Trouble in Little China”, in fact, should absolutely not be taken seriously. Initially the public had great difficulty with this, as evidenced by the disappointing cinema attendance. The film was later given a second change and it got the attention it deserved. In fact, now, it’s a cult classic and cult enthusiasts praise the film for its pulpy entertainment.

Rating: 3,5 / 5

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