zaterdag 9 oktober 2021

Movie Review - The Guilty

Antoine Fuqua
Genre: Thriller/ Drama/ Crime
Runtime: 90 minutes
Year: 2021
Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal

Description: A demoted police officer (Jake Gyllenhaal) assigned to a call dispatch desk is conflicted when he receives an emergency phone call from a kidnapped woman.

Review: Joe is a police officer who got demoted and is now working at a call dispatch desk. He receives emergency phone calls and has to make sure the right help is send. One night, he receives a phone call from a kidnapped woman and Joe gets stuck with trying to help her.
“The Guilty” is a movie set in ‘real-time’. We never jump forward or back in time, it’s just time as it is. With that, the film also takes place in only one location, with mainly one character: Joe. And Jake Gyllenhaal is the one with this difficult task.
The story is captivating enough to interest you for the entire runtime. And since it’s only one-and-a-half hour, it’s easier to keep the attention from the audience and to keep the film exciting. And Gyllenhaal, whom I always enjoy watching, I really strong in his role.
The story itself is nothing new and some developments are somewhat predictable. But “The Guilty” is still a very tense thriller and worth your time.

Rating: 3,5/ 5

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