donderdag 18 november 2021

Movie Review - Supernova

Harry MacQueen
Genre: Drama/ Romance
Runtime: 93 minutes
Year: 2021
Starring: Colin Firth, Stanley Tucci, Pippa Haywood, Peter MacQueen, Nina Marin, Ian Drysdale, Sarah Woodward, James Dreyfus, Lori Campbell, Daneka Etchells, Halema Hussain
Description: Sam (Colin Firth) and Tusker (Stanley Tucci) are traveling across England in their old RV to visit friends, family and places from their past. Since Tusker was diagnosed with dementia two years ago, their time together is the most important they have.

Review: Concert pianist Sam has put his career on hold to care for his partner, American writer Tusker. We follow them on perhaps their last trip together, or at least on which Tusker will remember everything they have experienced together in the locations they now revisit. The fact is, he has been diagnosed with dementia. And with his condition worsening, both men can already feel the storm brewing: that the day is fast approaching when the writer will no longer recognize his beloved Sam.
“Supernova” is a very intimate drama film. As a viewer, you mainly share their camper in which they travel through the British countryside together with the dog. On their way to the concert hall where Sam has a performance for the first time in ages. Tusker had to work hard to make Sam play again. They visit a lake where they once declared their love for each other, stare at the clear starry sky, and visit some of Sam’s family as well. Bu mostly the bicker, trying to hide their dark feelings and their pain from each other.
A film that has so little to it stands or falls on the acting skills of its two lead actors. And with Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci you do breathe life into characters like Sam and Tusker. A detail is that the actors were actually cast for each other’s role, but independently got the idea during rehearsals that they would be better of switching characters. I believe both Firth and Tucci convinced us in their roles, because their performances are amazing. And I love them together as well.
Most of the film is them talking. You really have to pay attention to everything they say, since some details later prove to be important. And it’s part of getting to know the central characters before any substantial complications are thrown into the mix. You get to hang out with two of the most sympathetic actors, which characters you sympathize with quite easily as well. That makes “Supernova” a pretty enjoyable watch.

Rating: 4 / 5

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