woensdag 27 april 2022

Movie Review - The Batman

Matt Reeves
Genre: Action/ Crime/ Drama
Runtime: 176 minutes
Year: 2022
Starring: Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz, Colin Farrell, Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, Andy Serkis, John Turturro, Peter Sarsgaard,
Description: When the Riddler (Paul Dano), a sadistic serial killer, begins murdering key political figures in Gotham, Batman (Robert Pattinson) is forced to investigate the city’s hidden corruption and question his family’s involvement.

Review: Did we really need yet another Batman movie? It looks like we do, because “The Batman” is fantastic. Director and screenwriter Matt Reeves made a dead serious, stylish and intriguing drama.
What is he still fighting for? Fighting evil is a hopeless task in Gotham City. Crime rates are only increasing. Corruption seems to be inextinguishable. Bruce Wayne, aka Batman, sees no more bright spots.

“The Batman” is yet another film adaptation of DC Comics’ graphic novels about the dark knight. Dozens of Batman films and series have been made. With Tim Burton’s “Batman”(1989), Christpher Nolan’s impressive trilogy and even the animated “The Lego Batman Movie’ as major successes, failures like “Batman & Robin” (1997) and less popular films like “Batman V. Superman” (2016).
“The Batman” is an entirely new reboot and it does separate itself from the rest. Because it’s a complete new take on Batman and Bruce Wayne. Reeves vision is closest to that op Christopher Nolan, who around 2005 stripped the superhero film of its innocent image, without self-mockery of later Marvel films. “The Batman” is even darker and never cartoonish. In the process, Reeves exploits the specifics of the character well. Batman is one of the few superheroes without super strength, relying on gadgets, money and his own two fists. A lonely, elitist hero he is, with his butler Alfred as his only trustee.

Reeves emphasizes Batman’s humanity. Heroics are less important, though of course the action scenes are not lacking, culminating in a fine car chase. In addition the film spends a lot of time sleuthing. Grim detective films from the 1970s, but also modern versions like David Fincher’s “Zodiac” and “Seven”, served as inspiration.

Batman’s antagonist is The Riddler (Paul Dano), who sets out on a grim quest through various political assassinations. Very far from the portrayal of Jim Carrey’s Riddler in “Batman Forever” (1995). Dano’s depiction of The Riddler is psychotic and he is a truly scary and disturbing villain. Catwoman (Zoë Kravitz) also makes an appearance, as does the Penguin (an unrecognizable Colin Farrell) and mob boss Falcone (John Turturro). As far as casting goes, they did a fantastic job and the actors are all solid. Robert Pattinson foremost. I had doubts, but over the years Pattinson had his fair share of great roles and he made you forget about his awful “Twilight” period. As Batman, Pattinson doesn’t have a lot of dialogue. It’s the look, his walk, the way he is intimidating without saying a word. No cheesy one-liners or cliché dialogue. And I loved how they portrayed Bruce Wayne this time: not the playboy he is mostly known for in the other films. Here he is a broken man, lonely and struggling with his family’s legacy.

There is only one thing I didn’t like. It’s at the end of the film. Without giving any spoilers, it involves a certain character that is introduced, but barely seen. That was unnecessary and added nothing to he plot.

“The Batman” is low-key but incisive, without leaden symbolism or showy digital effects. I loved the dark and grim atmosphere and the casting was nearly perfect. For true Batman fans, “The Batman” is a definite must-see. It’s going on my 2022 favorites list, that’s for sure.

Rating: 4,5/ 5

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