zondag 8 mei 2022

20s Movie Review - Jungle Cruise

Director: Jaume Collett-Serra

Genre: Action/ Adventure/ Comedy

Runtime: 127 minutes

Year: 2021

Starring: Emily Blulnt, Dwayne Johnson, Jack Whitehall, Jesse Plemons, Paul Giamatti, Edgar Ramirez

Description: Based on Disneyland’s theme park ride where a small riverboat takes a group of travelers through a jungle filled with dangerous animals, but with a supernatural element.

Review: The Amazon is no place for wimps. In “Jungle Cruise”, Dwayne Johnson plays Frank, a captain on an old steamship who rganizes dauly excursions through the jungle for tourists. In the process, Frank likes to scare people and also tries to make them laugh with his lame puns. The introduction of his characters is quite successful in itself.

“Jungle Cruise” is based on a Disney ride, just like “Pirates of the Caribbean” is. It forms the start of an enjoyable family adventure.

Frank meets Lily, a scientist played by Emily Blunt, who is looking for a magical tree that everyone says is just a myth. But she believes it. Of course the two bicker a lot at first, but eventually have to work together.

And that’s the driving force behind “Jungle Cruise”: leads Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt. Lily is a smart, decisive archeologist who has a say. And that of course results in quite a few clashes with Frank, who has a different world view. The chemistry between Johnson and Blunt is amazing, I love them together.

The supporting roles are also filled in well. Jack Whitehall plays Lily’s brother MacGregor, a well-dressed gentleman who seems quite out of place in the jungle. And Jesse Plemons is in great form as Prince Joachim, a German villain. His character could have gone way over the top, which it is sometimes, but he manages to not overdo it.

As an adventure movie, “Jungle Cruise” is the perfect film for a movie night. It has a good pace, has likeable characters, great visuals and fun action scenes combined with humor. I loved “Jungle Cruise”, such a fun and entertaining movie.

Rating: 4/ 5

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