zaterdag 14 mei 2022

Movie Review - Our Father

Director: Lucie Jourdan

Genre: Documentary

Runtime: 97 minutes

Year: 2022

Starring: Donald Cline, Jacoba Ballard, Debbie Pierce, Jan Shore, Robert Colver, Dianna Kiesler, Liz White, Angela Ganote, Julie Harmon, Matt White, Shereen Farber, Mark FarberHeather Woock, Liz Shepher-Stidman

Description: After a woman’s at-home DNA test reveals multiple half-siblings, she discovers a shocking scheme involving donor sperm and a popular fertility doctor.  

Review: “Our Father” is a horror story taken from real-life. At the center of the film is Donald Cline, a doctor who from 1979 runs a fertility clinic in the American city of Indianapolis.

Cline helped women to get pregnant, because their husbands are infertile and they have the wish to be come parents. But what those women didn’t know is that he used his own sperm and therefore impregnated many women in his clinic.

When one of the donor children, that was born because of Dr. Cline’s help, wants to know if she has any siblings, she takes an at-home DNA-test. She finds seven siblings online. With that already being a bit strange, since a sperm donor is only to be used for the max of three times. And it does not stop at seven. We here from donor children and their mothers, but also people who worked for or with Dr. Cline and sociologists.  

The whole clue of the documentary is pretty clear from the start, but along the way more and more is revealed about his practices. It’s a very disturbing story and I was really invested in it. “Our Father” could have zoomed in on the shady practices a bit more, on how it’s not been outlawed in all of the US yet. Because Dr. Cline was never prosecuted for his actions. There was a lawsuit, but he didn’t get the needed punishment.

Rating: 3,5/ 5

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