zaterdag 2 juli 2022

20s Movie Review - Crip Camp

James Lebrecht, Nicole Newnham
Genre: Documentary
Runtime: 106 minutes
Year: 2020
Starring: -
Description: Down the road from Woodstock, a revolution blossomed at a ramshackle summer camp for teenagers with disabilities, transforming their lives and igniting a landmark movement.
Review: At a summer camp run by hippies, a crucial civil rights movement in the United States germinated some fifty years ago; that of the disabled. Camp Jened was one of the first places where disabled people could come together without any stigma. The young people who attended this camp felt for the first time that they were valued as complete individuals. It was they who later went on to lead demonstrations and protests to enforce equal rights for disabled people.

Indeed, the many archival images of 1971 summer camp reveal an incredible experience of freedom among the young people. Some of those interviewed describe the summer camp as their Woodstock. At the camp, the young people get first loves and have long discussion about the problems they experience because of their disabilities.

“Crip Camp” makes extensive use of historical material. The footage of the protest is particularly impressive. Of particular note is the moment when a group of disabled pepple entrench themselves in a government building for over twenty days to ensue that a law is passed establishing their equality. “Crip Camp” shines light on a civil rights movement that has been largely invisibly until now. It is more or less normal today for most buildings to be wheelchair friendly, but “Crip Camp” shows how arduous the fight was to make this happen. An incredibly shocking scene makes it clear why this was so important. This is a news report from the 1970s about Willowbrook, a kind of hospital for the disabled. These images are pure horror. Emaciated patients lie everywhere, tucked away with no real help.

“Crip Camp” is an engaging documentary with a positive message. It shows how steadfast people brought about real change in the U.S.

Rating: 4/ 5

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