zondag 19 februari 2023

Book Review - The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix

The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires
Series: -
Author: Grady Hendrix
Description: Patricia Campbell had always planned for a big life, but after giving up her career as a nurse to marry an ambitious doctor and become a mother, Patricia's life has never felt smaller. The days are long, her kids are ungrateful, her husband is distant, and her to-do list is never really done. The one thing she has to look forward to is her book club, a group of Charleston mothers united only by their love for true-crime and suspenseful fiction. In these meetings, they're more likely to discuss the FBI's recent siege of Waco as much as the ups and downs of marriage and motherhood.

But when an artistic and sensitive stranger moves into the neighborhood, the book club's meetings turn into speculation about the newcomer. Patricia is initially attracted to him, but when some local children go missing, she starts to suspect the newcomer is involved. She begins her own investigation, assuming that he's a Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy. What she uncovers is far more terrifying, and soon she--and her book club--are the only people standing between the monster they've invited into their homes and their unsuspecting community.

But when an artistic and sensitive stranger moves into the neighborhood, the book club's meetings turn into speculation about the newcomer. Patricia is initially attracted to him, but when some local children go missing, she starts to suspect the newcomer is involved. She begins her own investigation, assuming that he's a Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy. What she uncovers is far more terrifying, and soon she--and her book club--are the only people standing between the monster they've invited into their homes and their unsuspecting community.
Review: Patricia doesn’t have a very eventful life. She had big plans after graduating as a nurse, but when she marries Carter, she quits her job to become a full-time stay-at-home mom. The only exciting thing in her life is her book club, where they meet with a number of housewives and discuss true-crime novels. When a new neighbor, James Harris, moves into the neighborhood, strange and gruesome things start to happen.
First of all, this is a horror book. If you can’t handle gory and explicit scenes, this is not a book for you.
The story is entirely told from Patricia’s point of view, so you get to know her very well. Her position as a housewife comes up several times and is thoroughly explored, make it one of the main themes. Because yes, this book is not just about vampires. The social differences between white and black people in the late 80s and early 90s is also a theme, as is the housewives positions in relation to men. Those themes along with the supernatural make the book original and innovative.
Overall, the book isn’t filled with likeable characters. Especially the men are unlikeable, because they have a certain “traditional” way of life and believe the women are only there to be homemakers and mothers, nothing more or less. There are some women that feel the same and are perfectly fine with that vision, but mainly because they are used to this. I’m glad Patricia is a character that wants to step away from this stereotype and tries to find her place in the world. Because it’s so easy to relate to Patricia, it’s also very difficult to read when there is a moment where she tells everyone about their new neighbor James Harris, and no one believes her and even think she is crazy.
The book has a slow start, but it’s never boring. Once it comes to the halfway point, there is non-stop action and you just can’t stop reading. There were some really gruesome and creepy scenes in the book, that really creeped me out.  
Grady Hendrix has such a fun writing style, I really like his horror books, so very different from the standard. I love that.
Rating: 4/ 5

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