zaterdag 17 februari 2024

Book Review - Foe by Iain Reid

Author: Iain Reid
Genre: Horror/ Science Fiction/ Thriller
Published: 2018
Description: Junior and Henriette live a comfortable, solitary life on their farm, far from the city lights, but in close quarters with each other. One dat, a stranger from the city arrives with alarming Junior has been randomly selected to travel far away from the farm… very far away. the most unusual part? Arrangements have already been made so that when he leaves, Henrietta won’t have a chance to miss him, because she won’t be left alone – not even for a moment. Henrietta will have company. Familiar company.
Review: This is one of those book you’d best read going in blind. Knowing noting more than just the short synopsis is the best way to experience this story.
In “Foe” the married couple Junior and Hen live a quiet life on a farm. They live far away from the city. Junior works at the factory and likes things as they are. Even though they have no friends and almost every day is pretty much the same. Hen, on the other hand, feels a bit trapped and the everyday rut. When one day a man named Terrance tells them they have been placed in a lottery in which people can be chosen to participate in a special space mission. From that day forward, Junior and hen’s peaceful life is taking a turn.
The book is fairly slow, especially at the start. Nothing spectacular really happens. This book is focused on the characters. But with all this, I just could not put this book down. Because we follow the story from Junior’s perspective, and we learn about his thoughts, we get to know him very well. His life with Hen, their relationship, how he’s dealing with the changes. Basically, the entire book is set at the farm, following these few characters. The way author Iain Reid made this so interesting, it’s very well done.
The books is a mix of thriller, horror and science fiction. That last part is added very subtly, which I really loved. I’m fairly new to the sci-fi genre when it comes to book and after reading “Foe” I would really love to read more books in this genre.
The book has a great twist, that had my jaw dropping to the floor. The ending is open, sort of. Or at least open for interpretation. The story isn’t very eventful, but I just wanted to keep reading. It was such an intriguing book, loved every minute of it.
Rating: 5/ 5

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