woensdag 28 februari 2024

Book Review - The Last Devil to Die by Richard Osman

The Last Devil to Die (Thursday Murder Club # 4)
Author: Richard Osman
Genre: Mystery/ Crime
Published: 2023
Description: Shocking news reaches the Thursday Murder Club. An old friend in the antiques business has been killed, and a dangerous package he was protecting has gone missing.
As the gang springs back into action they encounter art forgers, online fraudsters and drug dealers, as well as heartache close to home.
With the body count rising, the package still missing and trouble firmly on their tail, has their luck final run out? And who will be the last devil to die?
Review: The elderly members of the Thursday Murder Club always know how to get themselves into the craziest situations, convenient or inconvenient. Such is the case when, on Boxin Day, an acquaintance of the club becomes the victim of an unexpected murder. An innocent box filled with heroin worth over one hundred thousand pounds turns out to be the culprit, but that does not answer the many questions at play in the Thursday Murder Club.
“The Last Devil to Die” is the fourth book in the Thursday Murder Club series and for now the last. Author Richard Osman is coming out with a new mystery series, so no new one for the Thursday Murder Club this year.
I love a good mystery and Osman does it again. And the expressive characters in this series just stand out. When you’ve spend four books with (most) of them, you just become one of them. The quartet Elizabeth, Joyce, Ron and Ibrahim are one of the most loveable group of friends I have ever read about. I like each and every single one of them and can only hope that when I’m that age, I have a friendship like that. Joyce, not biased because we share a first name, is still my favorite. And I love her journal entries. She is so wholesome. Ibrahim is my second favorite, I love his diplomatic and charming nature.
I think it’s possible to read the book as a standalone, but you will miss out on a few things. You really should read all of them in order. Not only because you will miss details, but also because it’s a very good and solid mystery series.
I think “The Last Devil to Die” is my favorite in the series. It’s packed with emotion. It has so much heart, it’s funny, the mystery is captivating and the characters are the highlight. I think Richard Osman can do no wrong when it comes to mystery novels. I can’t wait for his next book.
Rating: 4,5/ 5

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