zondag 14 april 2024

Book Review - Pines by Blake Crouch

Pines (Wayward Pines # 1)
Author: Blake Crouch
Genre: Mystery/ Science Fiction/ Thriller
Published: 2012
Description: Wayward Pines, Idaho, is quintessential small-town America, or so it seems. Secret Agent Ethan Burke arrives in search of two missing agents, yet soon is facing much more than he bargained for. After a violent accidents lands him in the hospital, Ethan comes to with no ID and no cell phone. The medical staff seems friendly enough, but sometimes feels… off. As days pass, Ethan’s investigation into his colleagues’ disappearance turns up more questions than answers.
Why can’t he make contact with his family in the outside world? Why doesn’t anyone believe he is who he says he is? And What’s the purpose of the electrified fences encircling the town? Are they keeping the residents in? Or something else out?
Each step towards the truth takes Ethan further from the world he knows, until he must face a horrifying fact – he may never get out of Wayward Pines alive…
Review: Secret service agent Ethan Burke arrives in Wayward Pines, Idaho, with one clear mission: to search and find two federal agents that were sent here month ago and went missing. But Ethan gets into an accident and ends up in the hospital. When he wakes up, his ID and cell phone are missing. He quickly realizes that something is very wrong in Wayward Pines. While investigating, Ethan gets more questions than answers.
“Pines” is the first book ne the Wayward Pines trilogy, by author Blake Crouch. There was a TV-show based on this books series, which was canceled after only two seasons. A shame, because I highly enjoyed the show and always wanted to know what would happen next. But, we never got that answer. I didn’t even realize that series was based on Blake Crouch’s books. I was ready to delve into the book series.
We mostly follow Ethan and his investigation. He is an interesting character. We know just as much as him, trying to find out the secrets of Wayward Pines. What happened to the two special agents? Why is this enormous electrical fence surrounding the town. Who took his personal belongings? Why can’t he get in contact with his wife? There are so many questions and just can’t stop reading, because you want to know what is going on.
“Pines” is a very action-packed and eventful story. It is a thriller, with mystery, horror and science fiction elements. And you constantly feel frustrated for Ethan, because nobody seems to be very helpful in Wayward Pines. There is a good character development for Ethan, we get know his background thoroughly and understand him.
I absolutely loved “Pines” and I will most definitely continue this series and want to read more by Blake Crouch. This is just right up my alley.
Rating: 5/ 5

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