zondag 16 juni 2024

Book Review - Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay

Horror Movie
Author: Paul Tremblay
Genre: Horror
Published: 2024
Description: In June 1993, a group of young filmmakers spent four weeks making “Horror Movie”, a notorious, disturbing, art-house horror flick.
The weird part? Only three of the film’s scenes were ever released to the public, but “Horror Movie” has nevertheless grown a rabid fan base. Three decades later, Hollywood is pushing for a big budget reboot.
The man who played ‘The Thin Kid’ is the only surviving cast member. He remembers all too well the secrets buried within the original screen play, the bizarre events of the filming, and the dangerous crossed lines on set that resulted in tragedy. As memories flood back in, the boundaries between reality and film, past and present start to blur. But he’s going to help remake the film, even if it means navigating a world of cynical producers, egomaniacal directors, and surreal fan conventions – demons of the past be damned.
Review: Paul Tremblay returns with a terrifying novel about the making of a movie and its effects on all who are involved.
We follow the story from the perspective of “The Thin Kid”. This is the name of the character that the further unnamed main character played in the original film from 1993. He was part of a film called “Horror Movie” that was never fully released, only three scenes made it to the audience. And the film has a large cult following. Now, 30 years later, the film is being rebooted and The Thin Kid is asked to be a part of it again. He is the only still living member of the cast and crew.
The story moves between then and now and the character speaks directly to the reader. Despite repeated warnings not to trust him, he leaves us readers spellbound by explaining the details of the original film and the current reboot. We also read the original screenplay and the filming of the scenes. The result: an exciting story with disturbing revelations.
It’s really difficult to fully explain what I read, but is a immersive reading experience. It was my first go at Paul Tremblay and I am totally in awe of his writing. I can’t wait to read more of his work. He totally broke me. His main character is sympathetic, but also sinister. The story build and twists itself until you get completely caught up in it. And when you hit the truly horrific part, you can’t turn back. And I loved the ending. Fucked up, but loved it.
Not for everyone, but I was told that it goes for all of Paul Tremblay’s books. I listened to the audiobook, which I can highly recommend. What a ride, still need to recover.
Rating: 4,5/ 5

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